Holiday campaign begins with $1,000 donation”I know that everyone is enjoying their holiday weekend,’ said Sparkle, the Christmas star, “but remember that it’s never too early to help others.’
Sparkle reminds local residents that the 2002 Give-A-Christmas campaign began Thanksgiving Day, and they can send in a donation today. “All money raised by Give-A-Christmas goes to help local Salvation Army units in the Herald-Standard and Greene County Messenger readership areas,’ explained Sparkle. “And the sooner that donations come in, the sooner we can get the money to the Salvation Army.’
This year’s goal is $40,000, and Wal-Mart has helped the campaign get off the ground by donating $1,000.
“This is a very worthy cause, and I hope that everyone will become involved,’ said Sparkle. “Remember, your donation goes to help those in need in your own community. Your donation is sent to the Salvation Army unit that serves the area in which you live. There is no sharing of resources; however, donors can designate the service unit that receives their gift. For example, if someone lives in Uniontown and wants his or her donation to go to the Point Marion area, that can be done. If you live in Connellsville and want the donation to go to Dawson, that can be done. Just let us know when you send in your donation.’
Donations can be mailed to Give-A-Christmas, P.O. Box 1147, Uniontown, 15401, or brought to the front desks of the Herald-Standard offices in Uniontown, Connellsville and Brownsville and the Greene County Messenger in Waynesburg weekdays during business hours.