More donations arrive for newspaper’s holiday fund drive
From Adah to Uniontown, Herald-Standard readers have sent another $357 to the 2003 Give A Christmas campaign. This raises the total to $1,727. “This is great,’ said Sparkle, the Christmas star who is the mascot for the campaign. “The Salvation Army can use every penny we raise so thanks to all of you who have contributed so far. And, for those of you who are thinking about participating, we sure could use the help. Remember, we want to raise $40,000 by our deadline – noon on Dec. 23. The final results will be released in the Christmas Eve edition of the Herald-Standard and I’m sure you want to be a part of this.’
The latest donations came from Adah, Haydentown, Uniontown, Little Summit, Merrittstown, Carmichaels, McClellandtown and Masontown. Contributors included the Masontown Business and Professional Women’s Club and the Rebekah Circle of the Calvary United Methodist Church. Donations ranged from $2 to $100.
Sparkle received Christmas cards from Helen Keteles of McClellandtown and Betty Jane Miller of Little Summit as well as some nice notes:
Dear Sparkle, Here is our small donation for the less fortunate. We are sending a prayer that this season will fill your homes with God’s presence, your hearts with his love, your new year with his peace. Christmas blessings to all. In memory of my dearly loved and missed Mom and Dad, Adolph and Margaret Rychtarsky and all our departed family and friends. Keep up the good work!’ Harry and Mary Louise Taylor of Carmichaels.
“Dear Sparkle, Merry Christmas, another year has passed. Enclosed is our check in memory of our grandson T.J. Shaffer. This will be our seventh Christmas without T.J. but he is never out of our minds and hearts. He would be happy to share the holidays. Please send this to the Haydentown area. God bless,’ Ted and Patty Shaffer.
“Dear Sparkle, We are so happy to see once again you are thinking of the children. Hope this contribution helps. In honor of my six grandchildren: Kevie, Racole, Aaron, Gregory, Morgan and Mason Sproul.’ Gram Jeannette Sproul of Uniontown.
“I pray you get all the money you need.’ River, Tigger, Jewels, Domonique of Tower Hill No. 2.
“Thanks for writing and all the nice thoughts,’ said Sparkle. “Remember we only have a few weeks to reach our goal and we can help so many people.’
To participate, send your contribution to Give A Christmas, P.O. Box 1147, Uniontown 15401 or bring it to the front desks of the Herald-Standard offices in Brownsville, Connellsville and Uniontown weekdays during business hours.’
Today’s contributors
Ted and Patty Shaffer, in memory of grandson TJ Shaffer, Haydentown; Margaret Tomecheck, Adah; Elizabeth Holly, Uniontown; The Moe Pastorius family, in memory of mother and grandmother Pastorius and Uncle Rick Pastorius, Uniontown; Rachel Pastorius, in memory of all dearly departed and for special Grandma Pastorius, Uniontown; John Prystupa Jr., Uniontown; Betty Jane Miller, Little Summit; River, Tower Hill 2, Tigger, Jewels, Domonique, Merrittstown; Harry and Mary Louise Taylor, in memory of dearly loved and missed Mom and Dad, Adolph and Margaret Rychtarsky and all departed family and friends, Carmichaels; Thomas and Polly Esper, Uniontown; Gram Jeannette Sproul, in honor of six grandchildren, Kevie, Racole, Aaron, Gregory, Morgan and Mason Sproul, Uniontown; Helen Keteles, McClellandtown; Masontown Business and Professional Women’s Club, Masontown; Rebekah Circle of the Calvary United Methodist Church, Uniontown.