Red Cross falling short of blood goal
This month’s American Red Cross bloodmobiles have netted just 78 percent of the agency’s goal, causing alarm among regional blood center officials as low donor turnout has resulted in near-emergency inventory levels before the holiday season. According to Thomas S. Angel, CEO of the 100-county Grater Alleghenies Region, inventories of Type O negative blood stand at just a half-day’s supply, and inventories of Type O positive, Type A positive and Type A negative blood are hovering at about a one-day’s supply, far below the desired week’s supply.
“This equates to just one unit of Type O negative blood on hand at the region for every two hospitals we serve, which leaves us insufficiently prepared for routine needs and emergencies that might arise,” he said.
“Eligible individuals of all blood types are urged to donate blood at their earliest opportunity, and on a regular basis throughout the year. However, because Type O negative blood, the universal blood type, can be transfused to patients of all blood types in an emergency, it’s critically important that we rebuild supplies quickly.”
Type O negative blood can be transfused to about 85 percent of patients, those with RH-positive blood types.
Due to the seasonal activities, vacations, outbreaks of colds and flu and the possibility of severe winter weather, the holiday season always raises concerns about blood inventory levels, yet the impact of the holidays appears to have struck earlier than usual, said Angel.
“This November’s collections were lower than those in November 2002, and although we ended the first five months of the current fiscal year ahead of July to November 2002 collections, regional inventory today is worse than a year ago.”
Individuals in generally good health who are age 17 or older and weigh at least 105 pounds may be eligible and are urged to donate blood. Most people can safely donate every 56 days. Individuals with donor eligibility questions should call 800-542-5663.
For information abut local blood drives, visit or call 800-GIVE-LIFE.
Here’s a list of upcoming local blood drives:
– Tuesday: Brownsville, noon to 6 p.m., First Christian Church, 512 Second St.
– Tuesday: Mount Pleasant, 1 to 7 p.m., VFW, 416 Main St.
– Wednesday: Uniontown, noon to 6 p.m., Firemen’s Social Hall, Dunbar Street.
– Waynesburg: 9a.m. to 2 p.m., Waynesburg Central High School auditorium.