Hardy sends letter to airport authority about loan offer
Fayette County Commissioner-elect Joe Hardy is apparently willing to put his money where his mouth is regarding a loan offer for the Connellsville Airport. During Wednesday’s agenda meeting of the Fayette County Airport Authority, operations manager Sam Cortis reported that the authority has received a letter from Hardy detailing a $500,000 loan offer.
Last month, Hardy told a reporter that he had offered to loan the authority $500,000 to conduct the design phase concurrently with the environmental impact assessment that is currently under way for the planned runway extension, but had never heard from anyone about the offer.
Authority member Bob Schiffbauer reported that he and consultant Gene Lakin recently met with Hardy to discuss the offer.
Plans are to extend the length of the runway from 3,458 feet to 4,500 feet. Hardy earlier said he is in favor of that plan, which would allow very light jets and all turbo-prop planes to use the airport. The project is estimated to cost $20 million.
Authority solicitor Mark Morrison declined to reveal the details of the loan offer, saying it was a contract negotiation matter appropriate for discussion in executive session.
During reports, Joseph S. Grubbs of Michael Baker Corp. gave an update on the status of the general aviation terminal project. A total of $300,000 has been obtained for design of the building, which will include offices, a reception, area, lounge and meeting rooms. The 6,000-square-foot building will be constructed near the old Taylor Craft building, which will be converted into a covered parking area.
Grubbs distributed preliminary artists’ drawings of the terminal building to airport authority members. He said there will be a lot of open space in the terminal area and the area of operations will have a secure door that cannot be accessed by the public. Grubbs said there will be two unfinished areas in the building that can be used for leased spaces for businesses such as a rental car company.
Grubbs also reported that he will attend a meeting today in Harrisburg to discuss funding for the runway extension project. He said it will be the kickoff for the benefit cost analysis and the 12-year plan will be revised, meeting the Dec. 30 deadline.
Donald A. Stephanik, senior airport engineer for McCormick, Taylor & Associates Inc. reported that the environmental assessment for the runway extension is “going quite well.” He said nothing has been found of archeological significance. He reported that the majority of the comments at a recent public meeting regarding the runway extension were favorable. He said the few exceptions were from people concerned about losing their homes. He said the next public meeting will be held in mid-February and the project is “on schedule if not slightly ahead.”
Cortis reported that a neighboring property owner is unhappy with any of the solutions for a storm water problem and wants the authority to purchase his property. Schiffbauer and authority member Jesse Wallace agreed to speak with the man to discuss the issue. Authority chairman Fred K. Davis said discussions are necessary, because without cooperation from that landowner, “the whole project is on ice.”
Engineer Dick Widmer reported that the authority could save money by allowing Fayette Airport LLC to install the lateral sewage lines to the seven or eight existing buildings at the airport. Fayette Airport Enterprises LLC is constructing a development at a 13-acre site near the airport that will include a treatment plant.
Widmer said if the authority doesn’t have to pay to install the lines, it could save between $20,000 and $25,000. Davis expressed concern about installing the lines and not having a permitted and operational plant. Widmer said he would like to start construction in the summer, but added there are no signs that the plant is under construction yet. Davis said the terminal must be connected in the last quarter of 2004 or first quarter of 2005. He directed Widmer to proceed with having the lines installed.