Upper Tyrone Township approves budget
UPPER TYRONE TWP. – Supervisors Tuesday passed a $241,630 spending plan that is in line with last year’s budget and holds the line on taxes. According to secretary Louise Koza the supervisors will carry over about $896,091. The township expects to collect $131,480 in taxes, $20,000 in licenses and permits fees, $35,999 in interest, rents and royalties, $54,337 in intergovernmental revenue and $2,000 in miscellaneous revenues.
The supervisors expect to spend $67,240 on general government, $12,690 on public safety, $159,700 on highways, roads and streets and $2,000 on miscellaneous expenditures or expenses.
The township spends about $3,287 on lights a year and $9,952 on fire hydrants.
The budget shows that the township collects about $80,000 in earned income taxes from taxpayers, about $8,000 in real estate transfer taxes, about $5,000 in occupational privilege taxes and $38,480 in real estate taxes.
In other unrelated matters, supervisor chairman Sam Killinger said he has township attorney Michael Macko working on weight limits for roads and revising the burning ordinance. Killinger said the current burning ordinance allows residents to burn on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
The supervisors also agreed to meet at 11 a.m. to reorganize on Jan. 5 and to conduct their regular monthly meeting following the reorganization meeting.