Wharton Township approves budget
WHARTON – The township supervisors Monday adopted a finalized budget near $1 million with no expected increase in tax rates for 2004 and no changes from the tentative account approved in November. Supervisor Joe Henning said the property tax rate will remain at .347 mills, one of the lowest in the state. The township has not raised tax rates for 28 years.
The spending plan includes a $495,001 allotment for highways, roads and streets as well as $66,100 for the police department and $37,717 for Wharton Park.
In other business the supervisors heard from the state department of transportation about two bridge projects slated for refurbishment in the township in the next five years.
Supervisor Jack Lewis said PennDOT approved township engineer Garbart Engineering to begin reviewing the projects scheduled for Quebec and Coal bridges.
Lewis said there is no timetable for the projects.
The supervisors also conducted the following business:
– Discussed recent complaints about water line construction along Route 40 that has delayed school buses traveling from A.J. McMullen and Marclay Elementary Schools in the Uniontown Area School District. The supervisors said they will send a letter to PennDOT about the delays to determine what recourse the school district can take.
– Announced that a there is a possible vacancy on the planning commission and that interested residents should call the township municipal building for more information.
– Held a rezoning hearing for properties in the township prior to the regular meeting Monday.
– Entered into an executive session for legal meters.