Rev. Carl Jackson to be installed as new pastor of Antioch Baptist Church
The Rev. Carl A. Jackson of Uniontown will be installed as the new pastor of Antioch Baptist Church in Edenborn on Sunday at 3:30 p.m. The Rev. Dewvaul W. Tracy Jr., pastor of Beulah Baptist Church in Smithfield, will be guest speaker. Artensy Brown is chair.
Jackson is the son of Flora K. Jackson and the late Durce A. Jackson of Brownsville. He is the father of seven children and is married to Karen Bennett-Jackson.
Jackson received his ministerial license at St. Paul Baptist Church in Vanderbilt under the guidance of the Rev. Evelynne Lockette in 2000. He was the associate minister to Tracy at Beulah Baptist Church, and was the minister of music and youth minister at the Vineyard Four Square Gospel Church in Brownsville.
Jackson attended Penn State University.
He is a graduate of the Laurel Business Institute with an associate degree in information technology.
He is employed in the bursar’s office of California University of Pennsylvania.
Jackson was a member of the U.S. Army and a veteran of the Vietnam War.