Bridge project slows Yough Lake boaters
As an unofficial kickoff to summer, the Memorial Day weekend will bring an influx of recreational boaters to the Youghiogheny Lake this weekend, along with a few boating restrictions. “Between last weekend and this weekend, there will be five or six times the number of people here,” said Paul Toman, acting resource manager at Yough Lake. “It will be a big holiday weekend.”
According to Toman and state Department of Transportation officials, few boating and traffic restrictions will be in place in and around the lake, even with construction equipment for replacement of the Youghiogheny Bridge still scattered in the water.
All recreation areas, including marinas, boat ramps and launch areas, will be open and accessible to the public, Toman said, and lake access between the Maryland and Pennsylvania borders will not be affected.
As with boating restrictions, very few traffic regulations exist over the holiday weekend, as well. Two lanes of Route 40 traffic will be open, no different than 99 percent of the time during construction, said Bill Maser, Youghiogheny Bridge project manager for the state Department of Transportation, said.
Bridge project construction has been halted over the weekend and will not resume until Tuesday, Maser said, although it’s not unheard of for contractors to be on site on weekends.
“Although no work will be occurring, it’s still a danger with all the equipment in the lake,” Maser said.
Extra precaution will be exercised in the lake and on the shores in light of the construction.
A no-wake zone has been established on both sides of the current bridge and the new bridge, requiring that boaters traveling through the area use caution and slow down.
According to PennDOT, the zone extends the entire width of the lake, from Jockey Hollow Cove to about 100 feet on the south side of the existing bridge. It also extends from the north side of the bridge, beginning at the Somerfield North recreation area launch ramp, to the Henry Clay Township side of the lake.
A no-boating area has also been established around work barges, which will be parked in the center of the lake or docked along the shore this weekend.
For boater safety and convenience, the safety area and the projections of equipment in the lake will be clearly marked with buoys and flashing signs that can be seen at night.
“The buoys only designate a small percentage of overall surface water coverage,” Toman said. “The majority of the lake is still open space for boaters, jet skiers and fishermen.”
Toman said campers – overnight and those reserved – are provided with copies of rules and regulations on boating restrictions and information on the Route 40 bridge project when they arrive at the park. But, apparently that doesn’t prevent people from violating restrictions.
Youghiogheny Lake park rangers will enforce restrictions and can levy $50 to $75 fines on violators. Stiffer penalties are issued under the state Fish and Boat Commission, which Yough Lake rangers can call if necessary.
Traffic penalties such as reckless driving and driving under the influence of alcohol, similar to those levied against automobile drivers, can be issued against boaters, also.
“DUI boating is just as dangerous as DUI driving,” said Maser. “A lot of incidents and fatalities result while boating and drinking.”
DUI boaters are always a reason for concern, Toman agreed, adding that alcohol is not permitted on park ground.
“We’ll need to patrol and monitor to make sure recreation is following these regulations,” Toman said.
To play it safe this Memorial Day weekend, Toman recommended, people should “take it slow, enjoy themselves, avoid alcohol and be patient” when it comes to recreational activities on the lake. For occasional updates on boating and traffic restrictions, visit: For further information, PennDOT’s Youghiogheny Bridge field office can be reached at 724-329-8771.