Livestock auctions, crop reports
Results from recent livestock auctions and crop sales in the region were as follows: The Pennsylvania Livestock Market Report for Waynesburg for Thursday, May 27:
STOCK COWS: 55.00-78.00
SLAUGHTER COWS: Utility & Commercial 50.00-62.50; Boner & Boning Utility 50.00-57.00; Cutter & Boning Utility 47.00-51.00; Canner & Low Cutter 40.00-42.50; Shells 40.00 down.
BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1500-2000 pounds 58.00-66.50; Yield Grade 2 1000-1400 pounds 48.00-62.00.
FEEDER STEERS: M & L 1 300-500 pounds 80.00-118.00, 250-280 pounds 80.00-130.00, 600-900 pounds 65.00-98.00; HEIFERS M 1&L 1 300-500 pounds 85.00-114.00, L 1 400-650 pounds 60.00-107.00; BULLS M & L 1 300-620 pounds 72.00-115.00.
CALVES: Veal..Prime 70.00-85.00; Choice 60.00-84.00; Good 35.00-70.00. Farm Calves #1 Holstein Bulls 90-120 pounds Few 35.00-145.00; #2 Holstein Bulls 80-100 pounds Few 10.00-50.00; Beef – Bull & Hfrs./Hd. 35.00-90.00.
HOGS: Barrows & Gilts #1-2 210-255 pounds 40.00-52.00, #2-3 255-280 35.00-50.00; Sows #1-3 300-500 pounds 22.00-42.00; Feeder Pigs 1-3 15-20 pounds 40.00-53.00/Hd., 1-3 25-35 pounds 10.00-43.00/Hd.
LAMBS: High Choice 80-100 pounds 90.00-128.00, Choice 40-75 100.00-120.00; Feeder Lambs Good 70.00-107.00; Sheep 30.00-58.00; Fat Sheep 10.00-32.00.
GOATS: Large 85.00-125.00; Medium 50.00-95.00/Hd.; Small 10.00-40.00/Hd.
HORSES: Horses 19.00-47.00; Ponies 20.00-42.00.
Eighty Four Livestock Auction held in Eighty Four on Monday, May 24:
CATTLE 241…[PDA]…Compared with last week’s sale; slaughter cows were steady, to 4.00 lower on white cows.
STEERS: one Select 1-2 80.50, one standard 1-2 70.00.
HOLSTEIN STEERS: One standard 1-2 57.00.
HEIFERS: One Select 1-2 76.00, couple Standard 1-2 67.00 and 69.00.
COWS: Breakers 75-80 percent lean 51.00, Boners 80-85 percent lean 48.00-55.00, Lean 85-90 percent lean 43.00-51.00. Shells 42.00 and down.
BULLS: one Yield Grade 1 1695 pounds 75.50, Yield Grade 2 1450 and 1790 pounds 60.00 and 64.50.
FEEDER CATTLE: steers were steady.
STEERS: few Medium and Large 1 325-560 pounds 109.00-123.00, few Medium and Large 2 390-760 pounds 85.00-102.00, Large 3 745-840 pounds 74.00-82.00; HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1 300-500 pounds 96.00-111.00; 510-605 pounds 93.00-102.00, Medium and Large 2 300-500 pounds 82.00-89.00; 610-745 pounds 70.00-81.00; BULLS: Medium and Large 1 310-500 pounds 103.00-125.00; 515-685 pounds 91.00-101.00, Medium and Large 2 300-475 pounds 82.00-101.00; 550-945 pounds 73.00-88.00.
CALVES 155…All calves sold per cwt.
VEALERS: Choice 135-290 pounds 99.00-132.50, Standard and Good 70-100 pounds 45.00-75.00, Utility 50-100 pounds 27.50-42.50.
FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls were steady to 10.00 higher… No. 1 Holstein bulls 90-125 pounds 145.00-215.00 mostly 155.00-190.00; 80-85 pounds 130.00-160.00, No. 2 70-125 pounds 90.00-140.00; couple No 1 Holstein heifers 90 and 110 pounds 475.00-500.00, No 2 65-120 pounds 130.00-370.00; 135-150 pounds 120.00-325.00.
Beef cross bulls and heifers 70-115 pounds 120.00-195.00; 220-255 pounds 120.00-126.00.
HOGS 23….Barrows and gilts: 45-50 percent lean 230-265 pounds 51.00-54.00, 40-45 percent lean 155-240 pounds 36.00-59.00.
SOWS: 1-3 370-450 pounds 34.00-40.00; 610 and 640 pounds 37.50 and 40.50, Medium 180 and 345 pounds 19.00 and 29.00.
BOARS: 170-535 pounds 10.00-21.00.
FEEDER PIGS 7…1-3 29 pounds 32.50 — per head.
SHEEP 36…Choice slaughter lambs steady.
SLAUGHTER LAMBS: One High Choice and Prime 115 pounds 107.50, Choice 55-60 pounds 105.00-110.00; 85-100 pounds 97.50-111.00.
SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 30.00-41.00, Yearlings 54.00 and 72.50.
GOATS 27…All sold by the head with weights estimated.
Kids: Selection 2 20-40 pounds 37.00-51.00.
Selection 3 20-40 pounds 27.00-31.00.
Yearlings: Selection 2 70.00-75.00.
Nannies: 50-70 pounds 37.00-57.00.
Billies: 70-100 pounds 65.00-70.50; one 100 pounds 123.00.
Results from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Grain and Hay Report market news summary for central Pennsylvania for May 24 follows:
Alfalfa, 70 to 120; mixed hay, 55 to 120; timothy, 60 to 100; straw, 130 to 150; ear corn, 80 to 107.
Grain report for western Pennsylvania: corn number 2, 2.82 to 3.35, average 3.18; wheat number 2, 3.33 to 3.50, average 3.44; barley number three, 1.75; oats number two, 1.70 to 2.20, average, 2.03; soybeans number one, 8.63 to 9.50, average 9.07; and ear corn, 90 to 100; average 95.