Community calendar – Sept. 1
PAL’S CLUB AND SOCIAL LADIES AUXILIARY and the Pal’s Club men will hold a combined family picnic for members and their families on Sunday at 1 p.m. GERMAN TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL 1983-1984 CLASSES will hold a reunion on Sept. 18. Anyone needing information is asked to call Kim Cavaliere at 724-737-0428.
TENTH ANNUAL TEETS REUNION will be held Saturday at Shady Grove Park from 1 to 8:30 p.m. Families are to bring a covered dish and beverages.
NEW SALEM AMERICAN LEGION will hold its member- only picnic on Saturday from 1 to 9 p.m. at the firemen’s woods, New Salem.
BROWNFIELD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Willing Workers Sunday School Class will meet at 7 p.m. Friday in the social room.
MORNING STAR GRANGE will meet at noon Friday. Members are to bring a bag lunch. Beverage will be provided. Business meeting will follow.
AL-ANON meets at 8 p.m. Wednesdays in the basement of Trinity Presbyterian Church, corner of Morgantown and Fayette streets, Uniontown. Meetings are open to those affected by someone’s drinking habits.
THE 4CS of the First Christian Church, Republic, will hold a flea market and used clothing sale from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the new garage building. All clothing is $1 for fill-a-bag sale. Many new items and some like new available.
GREAT BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH of Uniontown has openings available for Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning preschool classes, 9 to 11:30 a.m. Classes begin Sept. 13.
POLICY – Items must be mailed to Community calendar, Herald-Standard, 8-18 E. Church St., Uniontown, Pa. 15401 at least one week prior to desired publication date. A telephone number must be included. Items may also be faxed to 724-439-7559.
For more information, call Carol Kekela at 724-439-7565.