Livestock auctions, crop sales
Results from recent livestock auctions and crop sales in the region were as follows: The Pennsylvania Livestock Market Report for Waynesburg for Dec. 15 is as follows:
STOCK COWS: 45 TO 68.50.
SLAUGHTER COWS: Utility and Commercial 47 to 57, Boner and Boning Utility 45 to 48, Cutter and Boning Utility 37 to 48.50, Canner and Low Cutter 37 to 44, Shells 37 down.
BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1500-2000 pounds 45 to 58. Yield Grade 2 1000-1400 pounds 52-68.
FEEDER STEERS: M and L 1 300-500 pounds 80 to 128, 250-280 pounds 80 to 130, 600-900 pounds 75 to 104.
HEIFERS M 1&L 1 300-500 pounds 90 to 122, L 1 400-650 pounds 75 to 128.
BULLS M & L 1 300-620 pounds 77 to 119.
CALVES: Veal…Prime 70-118, Choice 60-84, Good 40-84.
FARM CALVES No. 1 Holstein bulls 90-120 pounds Few 35 to 125 No 2 80-100 pounds Few 25 to 50. Beef – Bulls and Hfrs/Hd 35 to 110.
HOGS: Barrows and Gilts 1-2 210-255 pounds 42 to 54, 2-3 255-280 pounds 40 to 48.50.
Sows 1-3 300-500 pounds 30-46.
FEEDER PIGS 1-3 15-20 pounds 12 to 18/Hd, 1-3 25-35 pounds 10 to 33Hd.
LAMBS: High Choice 80-100 pounds 80-114 Choice 40-75 pounds 85-128.
Feeder Lambs Good 80-105 Sheep 20-51 Fat Sheep 20-45.50.
Large 85 to 150/Hd, Medium 50 to 111/Hd, Small 8 to 41/Hd.
HORSES: Horses 20 to 53, Ponies 20 to 42
Eighty Four Livestock Auction held in Eighty Four on Dec. 12 results were as follows:
CATTLE: 165…(PDA)…sl. cows old steady to 1.50 lower.
COWS: Breakers 75-80 percent lean 48-53. Boners 80-85 percent lean 43.50-48.50. Lean 85-90 percent lean 39-44.50, Shells 38.50 and down.
BULLS: Yield Grade 1 couple 1650 and 1680 pounds 53 and 59.
STEERS: couple Medium and Large 1 410 and 420 pounds 117 and 117.50; 530-665 pounds 99-110.
HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1 355-495 pounds 99-113; 500-610 pounds 91-112. few Medium and Large 2 430-785 pounds 77-90.
BULLS: Medium and Large 1 455-570 pounds 115-119; Medium and Large 2 445-505 pounds 93-97.50.
CALVES 151…[calves sold per cwt]. Holstein bulls were steady.
VEALERS: Standard and Good 70-120 pounds 40-80. Utility 45-125 pounds 22.50-37.50.
FARM CALVES: No 1 Holstein Bulls 90-120 pounds 180-230. No 2 80-130 pounds 130-180; weaker calves 95-125; couple No 1 Holstein heifers 105 pounds 575 and 600. No 2 85-98 pounds 160-410. Beef cross bulls and heifers 100-110 pounds 155-185.
BARROWS AND GILTS: 45-50 percent lean 220-280 pounds 47.50-50, 40-45 percent lean 228-235 pounds 48.50-49.50.
BOARS: 260 and 300 pounds 20 and 30.
FEEDER PIGS: 0…No market test.
SHEEP: 434…slaughter lambs were steady to 24 higher on lite lambs.
SLAUGHTER LAMBS: High Choice and Prime 105-110 pounds 113-117, Choice 35-50 pounds 190-240; 55-75 pounds 132.50-175; 80-100 pounds 117-134. Good and Choice 35-75 pounds 90-130.
SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 37.50-60; Yearlings 65-86.
GOATS 95… [Sold by the head with weights actual].
Kids: Selection 1 couple 40-60 pounds 71-77.50; 60-80 pounds 82.50-100; 80-100 pounds 100-110. Selection 2 40-60 pounds 50-67.50.
YEARLINGS: Selection 1 one 109.
NANNIES: 70-100 pounds 62.50-73; 100 pounds and over 86-106
BILLIES: one 70-100 pounds 77.50; 100 pounds and over 112.50-131.
The Market News Service Grain Market Summary for western Pennsylvania for Dec. 19, follows:
Corn number 2, 1.70 to 2.10; average 1.88; wheat number 2, 2.75 to 3, average 2.87; barley number 3, 1.75, average 1.75; oats number 2, 1.60 to 1.85, few reported at 2, average 1.78; soybeans number two, 5.17 to 5.25, average 5.21; and ear corn, 51 to 55, average 53.
The Hay Market Summary for Dec. 17, for central Pennsylvania follows:
Alfalfa, 120 to 182.50; mixed hay, 85 to 175; timothy, 110 to 162; straw, 92 to 165; and ear corn, 65 to 80.