Church briefs
July 1, 2005 Announcements
FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF NEW SALEM announces the congregation will soon move into its new home at 800 New Salem Road. Celebrations begin Saturday, July 16, at 6 p.m. with a service and refreshments to follow. On Sunday, July 17, there will be coffee and doughnuts at 9:30 a.m., service at 10:30 a.m. and a dedication ceremony at 1:30 p.m. There will be family activities, including carnival games and softball, all afternoon. For more information, phone the church at 724-245-2741 or e-mail
MASONTOWN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH has been worshipping at the First Presbyterian Church of Masontown, located on the corner of Church Avenue and Washington Street, on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. since a fire in its building on July 15, 2004. The church is announcing that it will resume worshipping at its original location on Main and Cross streets on July 24.
A full week of celebration activities is being planned and will be announced soon. For more information about the church or any of its ministries, visit the Web site at, or phone the pastor, the Rev. Robert Lewis, at 724-583-9207.
Vacation Bible Schools
ABUNDANT LIFE CHURCH, located at 1239 Brownfield Road, Uniontown, will have a Construction Zone Vacation Bible school July 11-15 from 6:30 to 8:45 p.m. for age 3 through adults. To register, phone the church at 724-425-9700 by June 27.
CHRIST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, located at the corner of Fayette Street and Beeson Boulevard in Uniontown, offers Vacation Bible School July 11-14. Register by calling 724-438-9129.
FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF REPUBLIC announces Safari Vacation Bible School will begin July 10-15 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. for children attending preschool through the completion of sixth grade. The school will end with a picnic and closing program. Sandi Murray and Leslie Cooper are co-directors. The Rev. J.W. Hormell is pastor. For more information, phone the church at 724-246-9387.
GREAT BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH, 47 W. Fayette St., Uniontown, will have Vacation Bible School July 31-Aug. 5 from 6:15 to 8:45 p.m. with the theme “Serengeti Trek.’ For more information, contact Donna Welch or Ruthann Hibbs or call the church at 724-437-6161.
MOUNT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH, 51 Stewart Ave., Uniontown, will hold Vacation Bible School June 29-July 1 from 6 to 8 p.m. For transportation, call Kim Harris at 724-437-6785.
REHOBOTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN BELLE VERNON will conduct the annual Bible School program for the community July 18-22 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. for preschool children through those completing sixth grade. There will be music, crafts, instruction and snacks. The closing program will be held Friday in the sanctuary at 7 p.m. The Rev. Richard Klein is pastor. For more information or to register, phone the church at 724-929-7020.
ST. ANDREW’S LUTHERAN CHURCH, 307 High St., Brownsville, will hold Vacation Bible School in August. For more information, phone 724-785-3970.
ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN CHURCH, EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH OF AMERICA, 121 Walnut Hill Road, Uniontown, announces Vacation Bible School will be held July 31-Aug. 4 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. For more information, call the church at 724-439-5884 or 724-439-4730.
UNIONTOWN CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, located on Jeffreys Lane off Route 857, will have Vacation Bible School July 11-15 for ages 1 to 12 from 6 to 8 p.m. For more information, phone 724-437-1035.
Today through next week:
ABUNDANT LIFE CHURCH, located at 1239 Brownfield Road, Uniontown, will hold a worship service especially for generations X and Y this evening at 7 p.m. Refreshments will follow the service. The Rev. J. Edward Loukota, pastor, will deliver the message. Sunday worship services are at 9:15 and 10:45 a.m., while refreshments will be served at 10:20 a.m. Nicholas J. Cook will deliver the message “Dress for Success.”
ALLISON CHRISTIAN CHURCH will worship Sunday with elders Charlotte Hughes and Will Chambers, worship leader Shelley Williams and junior church leader Stephanie McCormick. The Rev. Michael Peton is pastor. The church reminds parishioners to wear patriotic colors to the service, and to pick up an American flag at Parkvale bank. Proceeds from the flags will buy calling cards for military personnel overseas.
The outreach committee will hold a penny sale Sunday. A flea market and bake sale will be held July 9 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Items may be brought to the church hall.
BENTLEYVILLE HOLINESS CAMP MEETING will take place July 8-17 with the Rev. Michael Adams, a Wesleyan evangelist from Orlando, Fla.; Dr. John Neihof Jr., a youth and song evangelist who is vice president of student affairs at Kentucky Mountain Bible College; the Rev. Roger Moyer, a minister in the Evangelical Church in Michigan; Derrell and Ruth Hyde, career missionaries with World Gospel Mission who minister to Native American cultures in the Southwest; and Marjorie Schultz, principal at Bethany Christian Mission Center in Bethany, Ky., who will minister to the children.
For more information, visit the Web site at
BREAD OF LIFE TABERNACLE, 15 Bouquet St., located near the corner of Connellsville and Bouquet streets, Uniontown, announces Prophet Vishal Jetsnarian will appear for meetings today through Sunday. Originally from Durban, South Africa, Jetsnarian will appear today at 7 p.m., Saturday at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. and Sunday at 10:15 a.m. and 6 p.m. His wife, Selena Strite Jetsnarian, and their son will accompany him. For more information, phone 724-438-4882.
BREAKTHROUGH WORSHIP CENTER, located on Ferguson Road in Mount Braddock, welcomes the Rev. Adam Lawson and youth Krista Campbell, Ashley Myers, Jarrett Kelley and MacKenzie Wall back to the church after a weeklong trip to Pensacola, Fla., where they attended the “Branded By Fire” Youth Conference.
Worship service will be held Sunday at 10:30 a.m. when Lawson brings the message and the youth share testimonies from the trip. Children’s ministries and nursery are available. The evening worship is at 6 p.m. Midweek services are held on Thursdays at 7 p.m. For further information on church ministries, call 724-434-5886.
BROWNSVILLE UNITED METHODIST CHARGE worships at the West Bend Church at 8:30 a.m., at the South Brownsville Church at 10 a.m. and at the Brownsville First Church at 11 a.m. when the Rev. Paul E. Wilson, Sr., pastor, will deliver the message “The Wisdom of the Yoke,” taken from Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30.
Next Sunday, July 10, a combined worship service for all three churches will be held at the Brownsville First Church at 11 a.m. to celebrate the church’s 229th anniversary. Pastor Wilson will deliver the message “Building Bridges.” For more information about any of the Brownsville Charge churches, phone the charge office at 724-785-8704.
CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH, located along McClellandtown Road, Route 21, Uniontown, worships at 10 a.m. Sunday with the Rev. Joe Ritz speaking. Brad Henry and Brent Johnson will provide special music. Coffee and doughnuts will be served at 9:15 a.m. The congregation meets for prayer and praise led by Ritz at 7 p.m. Wednesday. Nursery and children’s classes are available. For more information, call the church at 724-439-0301.
CALVARY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, located at Clark Street and Collins Avenue, Uniontown, will worship at 9:30 a.m. Sunday with guest speaker Indy Lynn bringing the message “Rest for the Weary.” The men’s choir will sing “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” Fully-staffed nursery and babyland is available.
CALVIN UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 307 Spring St., Brownsville, will worship Sunday at 10 a.m. with guest minister the Rev. Dr. Donald W. Stidham. Pastor is the Rev. Aleda Arnold Menchyk. Phone the church at 724-785-5745 for further information.
CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF UNIONTOWN, 23 S. Gallatin Ave., worships Sunday when Patty Roddy, pastoral associate, delivers the message “What Really Matters.” Denise Zundel, church organist, will provide special music.
John Yukish will give the children’s sermon. Nursery and pre-school care is available. Children’s Church for ages 3 to third grade is held during Sunday worship. A Saturday Night praise and worship service will be held at 6 p.m. with Greg Quarrick. For more information, phone 724-438-6821.
CHERRY TREE ALLIANCE CHURCH, 640 Cherry Tree Lane, Uniontown, across from Uniontown Wal-Mart, will worship at 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. with the Rev. Jack Herman delivering the message “Keeping the Unity of the Spirit: God’s Principles for the True Unity and Healthy Growth of Christ’s Church.” Morning prayer with the Rev. Robert Ellenberger will take place July 6 at 11 a.m., and at 7 p.m., more on Herman’s series on John Ortberg’s book “Everybody’s Normal Till You Get To Know Them” will be held. Nursery care is provided for all services. For more information on church ministries, phone 724-437-6850.
CHRIST CHURCH ANGLICAN, 319 Church St., Brownsville, will observe “Patriot’s Day” through Holy Eucharist and the sermon “Freedom or Liberty” at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, and Intercessory Prayer at 10:15 a.m. There will be Holy Eucharist at 11:30 a.m. Monday-Thursday. On Tuesday, Intercessory Prayer is at 7:30 p.m. in the church. The Rev. Stanley A. Burdock is pastor. For further information or directions to the church, call 724-785-7958.
CHRIST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, located at the corner of Fayette Street and Beeson Boulevard in Uniontown, will worship at 10:45 a.m. Sunday with the Rev. Emily Byrd. A luncheon and fashion show will be held on Sept. 24. Call 724-438-2376 or 724-437-7054 for more details.
CORNERSTONE BIBLE CHURCH, meeting at Franklin Grange, located off Route 40, turn at Jackson Farms Store onto Stone Church Road, go 1.2 miles and turn left onto Bunker Hill Road, worships at 11 a.m. Sunday with the Rev. Gary V. Smith. Children’s Church is held at 11 a.m. For more information on church activities, phone 724-366-1474.
DENBEAU HEIGHTS CHRISTIAN CHURCH, located on the East End Road, worships each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. with the Rev. Roland O’Brien.
DUNLAP’S CREEK CHURCH, 502 Twin Hills Road, Merrittstown, also known as the Old Stone Church, worships 11 a.m. Sunday with guest minister Jean McBride.
EAST LIBERTY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 169 Main St., Vanderbilt. John Jennings is lay pastor. For more information on church activities, phone 724-529-7262 or visit the church’s Web site at
FAIRCHANCE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH will worship at 10 a.m. Sunday with guest speaker Paul Salosky sharing a message and Samantha Detrick providing special music. Childcare and transportation are available. For additional information, call the church at 724-564-2080.
FAIRCHANCE FREE METHODIST CHURCH, 53 S. Morgantown St., worships at 10:45 a.m. Sunday with the choir singing and the Rev. Paul K. Lesher preaching the sermon “God Has Blessed America: It’s Our Turn.” Text for the message is 1 Timothy 2:1-6. Pre-school and junior church activities will be available for children. The church is handicapped accessible and air-conditioned. For more information, including children and youth ministries and Angel Food, call 724-564-5000.
FAITH ASSEMBLY OF GOD, 690 Morgantown Road, Uniontown, about one-half mile south of Big Lots, worships Sunday at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. as the Rev. Don Immel presents the sermon “We Hold These Truths,” a patriotic tribute to the people and principles upon which our nation was founded. Featured will be dramatic presentations from historic figures as well as multi-media and inspiring special music.
An All Church Fellowship will be held at the Family Life Center until 3 p.m. after the morning service. The event will include a hot dog bar, watermelon and desserts with tetherball, volleyball and water activities for the children. There will also be paintball and a dunk tank to raise funds for the youth and children’s missionaries. There will be no 6 p.m. service at Faith Assembly; however, the congregation will join the Brownsville Assembly of God for an evening outreach. A nursery is available during all services and transportation can be arranged by calling 724-437-8101, ext. 118.
FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST), OF REPUBLIC, announces its Sunday observance of Independence Day during the 10:55 a.m. worship service when the Rev. J.W. Hormell will deliver the message “Freedom.” The service will begin with singing favorite hymns and songs led by Chris Teagarden. Betty Riecks will provide special music. The Children’s Choir, directed by Kristi Teagarden, will sing.
The Christian Education Ministry offers a staffed nursery and second hour directed by Rita Ballone and Donna Johnson. Lee Swift is worship leader. David Heckman is acolyte. Darlene Endsley and Darlene George will greet the congregation. For more information, call the church at 724-246-9387.
FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, located on the Towne Square at Fourth and Liberty streets, California, worships at 10 a.m. Sunday when the Rev. Nathaniel C. Roe will preach “Revelation-Revolution” in the Rev. Paul Min’s absence. Nursery care is available.
Merrell Holman and her son, Kirk, will serve as greeters. Kirk Holman will lead the scripture readings and an acolyte will assist the service. Holman will also perform the solo “Eternal Father, Strong to Save.” The deacons will host coffee hour.
The Daisytown Presbyterian Church will hold its service at 11:45 a.m. with Roe as well. For further information, call the church at 724-938-7676.
FORT BURD UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF BROWNSVILLE, located next to Brownsville General Hospital, worships 10 a.m. Sunday. The monthly, non-perishable food items for St. Vincent de Paul Society will be received. The monthly prayer list will be distributed. A special time for youth using the “sermon in a box” will take place. Call 724-785-3080 for more information.
GOOD COUNSEL FRIARY, 493 Tyrone Road, Morgantown, will host a charismatic Mass and picnic on Monday with Mass at 1 p.m. in the picnic area. No registration is required. Participants should bring their own table settings, food and drink.
GRACE BRETHREN CHURCH, 1 Grace Lane, off Derrick Avenue, Uniontown, worships Sunday at 10:30 a.m. with the Rev. Nick Philiposian bringing the message “What is Truth?” Scripture is taken from John 8:31-41. Special music will be provided by Frank Hladinec and Mabel Yauger. Nursery is provided.
GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH, currently holding services at the South Union Township Fire Department Social Hall located at 364 South Mount Vernon Ave., Uniontown, announces a special Fourth of July presentation at the 10 a.m. Sunday service. A picnic will be held at Mike & Mel’s at 4 p.m. There will be no Sunday evening service. The Rev. Justin Argabright is pastor. Call the church at 724-438-4850 for additional details, or visit the Web site at
GREAT BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH, 47 W. Fayette St., Uniontown, worships at 11 a.m. Sunday, with guest speaker the Rev. Darrell Edgar bringing the message. Calling the church office at 724-437-6161 provides transportation and a nursery.
HOLY GHOST OLD TIME TENT REVIVAL will be held today through Tuesday at 7 p.m. at Poland Mines Faith Connection, six miles south on Route 88 from the junction of Routes 21 and 88. Evangelists are the Rev. Joe and Joann Eicholtz from Cleveland. Singers are Harvest Lights and Flaming Fire.
HOPEWELL UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 400 Hopewell Road, Brownsville, Hopewell U.P. Church, welcomes guest minister Andrew Slade to worship at 9:30 Sunday. Choir practice is at 8:30 a. m. Janet Adamovich is organist.
LAUREL MOUNTAIN BAPTIST CHURCH, Gibbon Glade, one mile north of the Mason-Dixon line, Route 381, worships at 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Call 724-329-4707 or visit the church’s Web site at The Rev. Dr. Michael George is pastor.
LOVE OUTREACH CHURCH, Village of Phillips on Peach Lane in Uniontown, worships at 7 p.m. Sunday with the Rev. Margaret Jo Friedhof bringing the message. The Harvest Aires, Bob Denny and Evelyn will perform special music. The church will celebrate its 10th anniversary in July with a week of special events.
LOWER OLIVER 3 MISSION CHURCH welcomes the Rev. Archie Atwell, his wife and four children from Dixon, Mo., who will sing and bring the message at a special worship service at 10 a.m. Sunday. The public is cordially invited to attend. The Rev. Kenneth G. McCune Sr. is pastor. Phone 724-437-6827 for additional information.
MARANATHA ASSEMBLY OF GOD, 126 Brownsville Ave., along with Faith Assembly of God, Uniontown, will present a special July 4 service Sunday at 6 p.m. with the Rev. Michael Outrich presenting the sermon “We Hold These Truths.” Afterwards, there will be free food and refreshments and “The Great American Hot dog Bar.” Call 724-583-2118 for further information.
MASONTOWN BRETHREN CHURCH will worship at 9:30 a.m. Sunday when the Rev. Stephen Cole delivers the message “A Friend to the Very End.” For more information, call 724-583-0279.
MCCLELLANDTOWN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Route 21, Church Hill, will worship at 11 a.m. Sunday, with commissioned lay pastor William Lawson delivering the sermon “God Bless Our Nation.” Nicole Ann Lawson will sing “Blessed Is The Nation.” Invitations to a covered-dish picnic on July 10 at the McClellandtown Church pavilion to welcome Lawson by both Grace Chapel and McClellandtown churches will be sent this week.
MOUNT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH, 51 Stewart Ave., Uniontown, worships at 8 and 11 a.m. Sunday, with the Rev. Vincent L. Winfrey Sr., delivering the message. To arrange transportation, call Kim Harris at 724-437-6785.
NEW BEGINNINGS CONVENANT CHURCH, 171 Connellsville St., Uniontown, will host the contemporary worship service “Celebrating our Nation’s Birthday” at 10 a.m. Sunday when the Rev. Mark Lawson, pastor, brings the message and Wendy Sokol and Ashley Jeffrey deliver a special musical performance. The Sunday evening service begins at 6 p.m. when the church’s youth group, Teen Beat, and the Covenant Kids children’s ministry meet.
The Women of Valor will host a bake sale at Wal-Mart in Uniontown on Saturday, beginning at 9 a.m. The youth group will be holding a car wash at the same time. For more information on the church’s ministries or outreach programs, call 724-437-0706.
NEW LIFE WORSHIP CENTER CHURCH, 188 Derry Hill Road, Smithfield, Route 857, turn onto Ruble Mills Road just south of Haydentown and the church will be on the right, will hold a God and country service on Sunday, starting at 4 p.m. in the sanctuary. The Rev. Michael D. Chapman Sr., pastor, local politicians and veterans ranging from Korea to Vietnam to Iraq will speak. All veterans and active servicemen are encouraged to attend in uniform. There will be a cookout and fireworks display immediately following the service. For more information, phone 724-569-1514 or visit the Web site at
NEW SALEM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 27 S. Mill St., worships at 11a.m. Sunday when the Rev. Dr. Robert Cahn delivers the sermon “Following Jesus in a Fragile World.” Congregational greeters are Dana and Jamie Velosky. A nursery is provided for children ages 6 and under. Nursery attendants are Pat Dearth and Emily Nagy.
PLEASANT VIEW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, located two miles west of Smock at the intersection of the Pleasant View and Royal roads, worship service at 10 a.m. Sunday will be held in the outside pavilion when Keith Conover will deliver the message “Dependence & Interdependence.” Small Talker will be Lee Ann Conover. Special music will be provided by soloist Harry Brooks. The annual church picnic will be held Sunday in the pavilion when hot dogs, hamburgers and drinks will be available. Those attending are asked to bring a covered dish to share. For additional details, call 724-677-2149.
REVERE FREE METHODIST CHURCH will worship at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Dale E. Sickles bringing the message and special music presented by Two Guys and Two Gals. Nursery and children’s church are available. For further information, call the pastor at 724-437-9435.
RODEF SHALOM BIBLICAL BOTANICAL GARDEN, 4905 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, is open through Sept. 15, Sunday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. and Saturday from noon to 1 p.m. There is no charge, handicapped access and free literature. Irene Jacob, director, said group tours are welcome by making reservations at 412-621-6566 or
ROSCOE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 300 Main St., will hold a patriotic worship service at 9:30 a.m. Sunday when the Rev. Dr. John Rankin, pastor, delivers the summer sermon “A Riddle that Rocks” and the congregation joins in singing patriotic songs. Betty Ermlick and Tina Bolin will provide the instrumental music on the organ and piano. Jean Bloom is the worship greeter. A fellowship coffee hour will be held in the church manse after the service.
SIGNAL OF LIGHT FULL GOSPEL CHURCH, Edenborn, will host the Rev. Gregory Trent from Kingdom Harvest Church in Pittsburgh Sunday at 3:30 p.m. in celebration of the church’s anniversary. Trent’s choir will accompany him.
ST. CECILIA ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF GRINDSTONE AND ST. HEDWIG ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF SMOCK will make a two-day spiritual journey to Alabama Oct. 27-28 that includes a visit to EWTN to see “Life on the Rock’ show, Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word and a trip to the EWTN Chapel in Birmingham, and Poor Clare Nuns at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament of Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Hanceville. A deposit is due now. For more information, phone Bernadine Link at 724-677-2786 or Jean Della Penna at 724-785-7062.
ST. GEORGE SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH IN CARMICHAELS will remember the St. Lazarus and the martyrs of Kosovo with a dinner and program on Sunday following the Divine Liturgy. Parishioners will read from the rich literature of the church, etching into history those who were martyred in Kosovo in 1389 and since. The Rev. Rodney Torbic is pastor. For more information, call 724-966-7428.
ST. PAUL’S AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 187 Morgantown St., Uniontown, will gather for worship at 11 a.m. Sunday with the Rev. Alfred L. Thompson, Jr. Music will be rendered by the Senior Choir and Holy Communion will be served. There will be no evening service.
ST. PAUL’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, 71 N. Gallatin Ave., Uniontown, worships at 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. Sunday with the Rev. Paul N. Frank Jr. delivering the sermon “Worn-Out! Tired! Weary!” Worship services will also be held at 4 p.m. Saturday at the church and at 7 p.m. Saturday at the Mount Chapel at Chalk Hill. For more information, phone 724-437-9000 or e-mail at
ST. PETER’S CHURCH, a parish of the Anglican Communion, 60 Morgantown St., Uniontown, will worship Sunday at 8 and 10:30 a.m. Serving as chalice bearers and lectors are Robert Cimino, Christy Harwood and Cathy Dunn. Acting as crucifer is Darren Webster.
The Holy Eucharist and healing service is held on Wednesday at noon in the church. Altar Guild members for July are Janet Tanner, Lori Rodeheaver, Nancy Shanaberger and Chris Rose. The Rev. Thomas R. Finnie is the rector. For further information, phone 724-438-7731.
ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN CHURCH, EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH OF AMERICA, 121 Walnut Hill Road, Uniontown, celebrates the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost at its service of Holy Communion Sunday at 9:30 a.m. to be followed by an informal fellowship time. Kids’ Time with God, an educational program for children ages 3-8, will be held during worship. The Rev. Bernard W. Carl is pastor. For more information, call 724-439-5884 or 724-439-4730, or e-mail the pastor at
TENT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Route 119, south of Uniontown on Tent Church Road, worships at 9:30 a.m. Sunday when Harry Wilson delivers the sermon “24/7: Get Your Foot Off the Gas.” Nursery class meets at 9:30 a.m. Birthday celebrants are Carolyn Edwards and Sean Paul Kovalic. Refreshments will be available in Friendship Court after services.
THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 425 Union St., Uniontown, welcomes Erick Fitzgerald, director of Outreach & Discipleship, who will be speaking at the 9 and 11 a.m. Independence Day Sunday worship services. The church office will be closed on Monday. For more information, call the church at 724-438-2529.
TRINITY UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, corner of Morgantown and West Fayette streets, Uniontown, will worship at 10 a.m. Sunday when the Rev. Michael I. Orsted, pastor, gives the sermon “American Christian.” Liturgist is Bill Long. Following worship, a coffee fellowship will take place on the corner porch. A nursery is provided during the worship hour for children 5 and under. For more information, check the Web site at
TRIUMPHANT FELLOWSHIP CHURCH, 1411McClellandtown Road, will worship at 11 a.m. Sunday when the Rev. Tom Barnhart Jr., pastor, will deliver the sermon “Pleasing God.” The church picnic will follow the morning service. Church members are asked to bring their picnic food to Fellowship Hall around 10:45 a.m. The church will not have refreshments prior to the Sunday morning service.
The Rev. Kirby of the City Mission Church will preach the July 10th evening message, while his wife will provide special music. More information is available by calling 724-437-5980.
UNIONTOWN CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN, 20 Robinson St., worships on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. when the Rev. A. Harrison Smith brings the message “What is America?” Paula Works is the children’s storyteller and nursery service is available for preschoolers and infants. For more information, call the church at 724-438-8372 or the pastor at 724-425-1866.
UNIONTOWN CHURCH OF CHRIST, 70 Roosevelt Drive, worships at 10:30 a.m. Sunday with Pulpit Minister Tim Lively delivering the message. Sunday evening worship will be held at 6:30 p.m. Midweek services will be held Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. For further information, phone 724-439-4747, or visit the Web site
UNIONTOWN CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, located on Jeffreys Lane off Route 857, worships at 10:50 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sunday. The Rev. Howard Foust is pastor.
UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CONGREGATION OF SMITHTON, located near the intersection of Route 51 and Interstate 70 in Smithton, will be the site where Rainbow Rising hosts Sweet Decadence, an ice cream social, today.
WALNUT HILL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, 132 Collier Rd., Uniontown, will worship Sunday at 9:30 a.m. when the Rev. Arnold G. Husk, pastor, will deliver the sermon “Glorious as an Army with Banners.” For other activities, call 724-430-0131.
GRACE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, located on California Drive between California and Bentleyville, is hosting its Third Annual Outdoor Fun Festival Saturday, July 16, from 4 to 10 p.m. and Sunday, July 17, from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. The festival will include an outdoor worship service on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. as well as food, carnival games and entertainment. For more information, phone 724-438-4448 or visit the Web site at
MOUNT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH, 51 Stewart Ave., Uniontown, announces that the Mount Olivet Baptist Church Children & Youth Ministry is hosting a youth conference Aug. 8-14.
A music workshop is scheduled for Aug. 8-10. A musical concert will be held Aug. 11 and a youth conference will take place Aug. 12-14. Guest speakers from the local and regional area will be on hand, while music, lecturers, rap sessions and crafts for the children will be take place. No fee is required. The church asks that children or youth with a gift of playing an instrument, i.e. the keyboard, piano, guitar and drums, call the church. Registration for the musical workshop is being accepted. For further details, call Vince and Natalie Winfrey at 724-438-4844, or e-mail
NATIONAL LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2005, Orchard Hill Church, Wexford, welcomes more than 50,000 leaders across North America for this annual gathering of church and business leaders Aug. 11-13. Speakers at the 10th annual summit will present motivation and innovative principles on topics applicable in the boardroom and in church and ministry settings. Leadership experts include Bill Hybels, Rick Warren, John Maxwell, Ken Blanchard, Colleen Barrett, Kenneth Ulmer and Curtis Sliwa. For more information or to register, visit or call 800-570-9812.
SISTERS OF HUMILITY OF MARY IN VILLA MARIA, PA., located 10 miles east of Youngstown, Ohio, announce “Revisioning Humility: Imagining a New Future for Women’ is a forum held July 14-17, featuring internationally known anthropologist, educator and award-wining author Angeles Arrien, writer of “The Four-Fold Way; Walking the Paths of the Warrior, Teacher, Healer and Visionary.’ The conference will focus on how the practice of humility influences the development of social justice and global peace initiatives as they affect women and children. For more information, phone Martha Wolford at 724-964-8920, ext. 3236 or visit the Web site
TOURS PLANNED: Monsignor Edward McCullough, pastor of St. Aloysius Church in Dunbar, will be spiritual director on a “pilgrimage of thanksgiving’ to the Shrine of Our Lady at Lourdes, France on Sept. 11-21. The tour will include visits to the shrine of the Miraculous Medal in Paris, Notre Dame, Basilica of the Sacred Heart, the tomb of St. Therese at Lisieux and other historical and religious sites.
A trip to Rome is scheduled for Oct. 2-10, giving participants an opportunity to be present at an audience with Pope Benedict XVI. The tour will include visits to the catacombs, coliseum, major basilicas, Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel.
For a detailed packet, call 724-548-7649, fax 724-543-2938 or send an e-mail message to and include mailing address. Space is limited.