Walnut Hill U.M. Church plans annual quilt show for July 9
The annual quilt show at Walnut Hill United Methodist Church, 132 Collier Road, Uniontown, will be held July 9 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Exhibits will include needlework in addition to quilts. Quilting will be demonstrated. A bake sale, craft sale and woodwork sale along with a flea market will take place. Lunch, including homemade pies, will be available at the picnic pavilion. Quilts and other needlework will be judged in numerous categories and ribbons awarded. Quilts and needlework for display should be at the church between 7 and 8 a.m. For more information, call 724-430-9210 or 724-583-7858. Getting ready for the event are (from left) Hazel Franks, Jeanne Fike, Sharon Stollings and Joyce Breakwell.