Local briefs
July 8, 2005 Road advisory issued
PennDOT advises motorists that a single lane restriction will be in place on Route 40 across the Yough Lake Bridge from 7 p.m. to 3 a.m. on Tuesday, July 12, Thursday, July 14, and Sunday, July 17, weather permitting, so crews can set sections of the bridge deck.
Flaggers will be in place to help guide traffic safely through the construction. State police will also be present to monitor traffic through the work zone. Up-to-date schedule information can be seen on the project Web site at www.youghdambridge.com.
Road work planned
PennDOT’s acting Fayette County maintenance manager, William J. Monstrola, has announced the following tentative work plan for next week. All maintenance activities are conducted on a weather-permitting basis. Motorists should drive with caution throughout all work areas and be alert for signed work zones requiring the use of headlights.
A bridge will be closed on Puritan Road for deck replacement and superstructure, substructure repairs.
Signs will be updated on Route 1055, downed signs will be replaced, and work orders will be addressed on various state routes throughout Fayette County.
Base repairs are planned for Chaintown Road.
Patching is planned for Ralph-New Salem Road, Skyline Drive and Kirby Road.
Shoulder cutting will take place on Routes 1043, 1045 and 4010 in the Bitner Area.
Blow-ups and shoulders will be repaired on Route 21.
Pipe flushing is planned for Route 906, Main Street area, and Smock Road.
Crack sealing is planned for Indian Head Road, White Road/Bear Rocks Road and Route 381.
PennDOT has a 24-hour toll-free number for residents to call to report any road maintenance concern: 800-FIX ROAD (800-349-7623).
Free parking offered
The city of Uniontown is offering two hours of free parking in the garage on South Street every Friday for people who attend the Storey Square Summer Lunch Series, which is being held on the lawn at Central School due to construction at Storey Square.
People must bring their tickets from the garage to Judy Vrabel of the Downtown Business District Authority at the school and she will validate them.
Today’s lunch series features the Washington High School Steel Drum Band, sponsored by Mrs. Robert E. Eberly. Stemz restaurant will selling lunches and beverages.
Picnic scheduled
The Uniontown Parks and Recreation Department is planning a family picnic at Idlewild Park on Aug. 4. School buses will leave from the Albright, Bailey and Grant Street parks at 10 a.m. and leave Idlewild at 8 p.m. The cost is $15 per person and $5 for children up to 2 years old. Residents can also ride a coach bus for $22. The Fayette County Vocational-Technical School will provide bagged lunches for the children.
Adults must accompany children under 13, and parents and their kids must ride the same bus. Park supervisors will not be responsible for children.
Reservations are required. Sign up sheets and permission slips are available at each park as well as the Ben Franklin and Lafayette playgrounds. Tickets will be sold until Aug. 3. Anybody with questions should see Colleen Watson at the Bailey Park concession stand Monday through Friday from 6 to 8 p.m.
Tickets available
Uniontown Night at PNC Park is scheduled for Aug. 6, when the Pittsburgh Pirates play the Los Angeles Dodgers at 7:05 p.m. A fireworks display is scheduled that night. Coach buses will leave the city’s parking garage on South Street at 3:30 p.m. The cost is $30 per person. Tickets are available from the Bailey Park Baseball Boosters or by calling Colleen Watson at 724-439-5704.
Request made
REPUBLIC – The Holy Rosary First Association, the group attempting to have Holy Rosary School reopened, is asking that all parties who owe back tuition contact the Rev. Steve Bugay to make payment arrangements. Bugay can be reached at 724-246-9639.
Evangelist to speak
TRINITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH OF GOD, 126 Lincoln St., Uniontown, welcomes nationally known evangelist and conference speaker Jan Aldridge of Richmond, Va., for a revival July 15 and 16 at 7 p.m. and July 17 at 11 a.m. For more information, phone Trinity Fellowship at 724-437-6191. The Rev. Victor Morris is pastor.