Masontown church announces celebration
Masontown United Methodist Church announces July 24 will be the first Sunday the congregation will worship in its own sanctuary following a fire in their building July 15, 2004. Since the fire, the congregation has been meeting in the facilities of the First Presbyterian Church of Masontown. To mark their return to their own building, a series of celebration events has been planned:
Sunday, July 24, at 10 a.m.: A dedication service with Bishop Thomas Bickerton of the Western Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church and the Rev. Frank Sherman, district superintendent of the Connellsville District. A processional march is being planned as well as a special choir anthem. An open house and reception will follow.
Monday, July 25, at 7 p.m.: A hymn sing will be held in the sanctuary, followed by an open house and a reception in the social hall.
Tuesday, July 26, at 7 p.m.: A celebration worship service involving area clergy, their choirs and their congregations, former pastors and special guests. The service is open to the community. An open house and reception will follow.
Wednesday, July 27, at 7 p.m.: An ice cream social and open house. The church hopes to have special events for children and youths.
Thursday, July 28, at 7 p.m.: Historical Night, a chance for anyone to bring old pictures of the Methodist Church (and/or past church events) to share with others. The Rev. Larry Homistsky will be present, doing a first-person portrayal of the founder of the Methodist Movement, John Wesley. An open house and reception will follow.
Friday, July 29, at 7 p.m.: A concert, open house and reception. The group Redeemed, a Christian blues band from Carmichaels United Methodist Church, will play.
For more information about the United Methodist Church in Masontown, visit the Web site, or call the Rev. Bob Lewis at 724-583-9207.