Livestock auctions
Results from recent livestock auctions in the region were as follows: The Pennsylvania Livestock Market Report for Waynesburg for Thursday, July 7, is as follows:
STOCK COWS: 45.00 TO 74.00.
SLAUGHTER COWS: Utility and Commercial 55.00 to 65.00, Boner and Boning Utility 52.00 to 62.00, Cutter and Boning Utility 50.00 to 56.00, Canner and Low Cutter 45.00 to 49.00, Shells 45.00 down.
BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1500-2000 pounds 50.00 to 71.00. Yield Grade 2 100-1400 pounds 66.00-84.00.
FEEDER STEERS: M and L 1 300-500 pounds 80.00-135.00, 250-280 pounds 80.00 to 141.00, 600-900 pounds 75.00 to 118.00.
HEIFERS M 1&L 1 300-500 pounds 90.00-112.00, L 1 400-650 pounds 75.00-126.00; BULLS M & L 1 300-620 pounds 77.00-135.00.
CALVES: Veal ….Prime, 70,00-118.00, choice 60.00-84.00.
FARM CALVES No. 1 Holstein bulls 90-120 pounds Few 35.00-145.00, No 2 80-100 pounds 25.00-50.00. Beef – Bulls and Hfrs/Hd 35.00 to 170.00.
HOGS: Barrows and Gilts 1-2 210-255 pounds 42.00 to 55.00, 2-3 255-280 pounds 40.00 to 48.50.
Sows 1-3 300-500 pounds 38.00-44.00.
FEEDER PIGS 1-3 15-20 pounds 34.00 to 45.00/Hd, 1-3 300-500 pounds 10.00 to 33.00Hd.
LAMBS: High Choice 80-100 pounds 85.00 to 118.00, Choice 40 to 75 pounds 85.00-116.00. Feeder Lambs Good 91.00 to 135.00 Sheep 30.00 to 51.00 Fat Sheep 20.00 to 48.50.
Large 85.00 to 120.00/Hd, Medium 50.00 to 90.00/Hd, Small 8.00 to 41.00/Hd.
HORSES: Horses 20.00 to 53.00, Ponies 20.00 to 42.00
Eighty Four Livestock Auction held in Eighty-Four on Monday, July 4 results were as follows:
STEERS: Select one 73.00, Standard 1-2 one 67.00.
HOLSTEIN STEERS: Standard 1-2 one 64.00.
COWS: Breakers 75-80 percent lean 61.50-63.50, Boners 80-85 percent lean 55.0-60.0, Lean 85-90 percent lean 46.00-53.50.
BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1070-1705 pounds 71.00-82.50. yield Grade 2 1345-2025 pounds 68.50-69.50.
STEERS: Medium 1 330-420 pounds 125.00-135.00.
HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1 330-450 pounds 114.00-132.50, Medium and Large 2 370-490 pounds 100.00-107.50; 505-730 pounds 84.00-108.00.
BULLS: Medium and Large 1 305-495 pounds 120.00-147.00; Medium and Large 2 265-440 pounds 101.00-112.00; 510-675 pounds 85.00-106.00.
CALVES 118 (All calves sold per cwt):
VEALERS: standard and Good 55-120 pounds 45.00-90.00, Utility 50-75 pounds 45.00-75.00.
FARM CALVES: No 1 Holstein Bulls 90-120 pounds, few 225.00: 80-85 pounds 170.00-194.00, No 2 75-130 pounds 130.00-165.00, weaker calves 100.00-125.00; No 1 Holstein heifers 90-100 pounds 460.00-600.00, No w 70-115 pounds 205.00-425.00.
Beef cross bulls and heifers 150-290 pounds 110.00-192.50.
BARROWS AND GILTS: 49-54 percent lean 220-260 pounds 41.00-46.00, 45-50 percent lean 290-280 pounds 39.00-40.50.
FEEDER PIGS 10…All by the head.
1-3 36 pounds 40.00.
SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 80-110 pounds 96.00-112.00, Good and Choice 40-70 pounds 90.00-111.00.
SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 24.00-45.00.
GOATS 77… [All sold by the head with weights estimated].
Kids: Selection 1 40-60 pounds 62.00-74.00.
Selection 2 20-40 pounds 40.00-70.00.
Selection 3 40-60 pounds 20.00-46.00.
Nannies: 70-180 pounds 40.00-64.00.
Billies: 70-100 pounds 67.50-80.00.
Results from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Grain and Hay Report market news summary for central Pennsylvania for June 27 follows:
Alfalfa, 95 to 170; mixed hay, 60 to 135; timothy, 72.50 to 125; straw, 135 to 165; ear corn, 70 to 85.
Grain report for western Pennsylvania:
Corn number 2, 2.15 to 2.50, average 2.33; wheat number 2, 2.90 to 3.05, average 3; barley number three, 1.75; oats number two, 1.70 to 2.25, average, 2.03; soybeans number two, 6.82 to 7.07, average 6.95; and ear corn, 68 to 70; average 69.33.