Menallen Twp.
Woman hurt in crash State police said Betty J. Mankovich, 62, of New Salem suffered a minor injury when the vehicle she was driving south of Buffington Road lost its brakes and hit a tree Friday at 12:45 p.m.
South Union Twp.
Accident reported
State police said vehicles driven by Harry A. Fornili Jr., 74, and Joseph M. Palaisa, 51, both of Uniontown, collided Sunday at 2:12 p.m. along New Salem Road. Mary L. Fornili, a passenger in Harry Fornili’s vehicle, was taken to the Uniontown Hospital for a head injury.
Georges Twp.
Money stolen
State police said a known suspect stole $200 from the Haydentown Exxon station June 18 between noon and 12:30 p.m.
Shrubs destroyed
Steven Lenedos of West Brownsville told state police that someone destroyed an estimated $200 worth of shrubs at his Washington Avenue residence between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. June 7 and 8.
Redstone Twp.
Man charged
State police charged James Reynolds, 39, of Merrittstown with disorderly conduct Thursday after he was told to leave the area following an argument along Creek Road but returned later and allegedly broke the windows in a vehicle owned by Raynette Guesman, 36, of Merrittstown.
Reynolds was arraigned before Magisterial District Judge Michael Defino and placed in the Fayette County Prison on $3,000 bond.
Dunbar Twp.
Accident reported
State police said drivers Benjamin Prinkey, 20, and Daniel Welsh, 16, were involved in an accident Friday afternoon along Stadium Road in Trotter. Neither driver was injured, police said.
South Union Twp.
Theft reported
State police said a man took money from a wallet owned by Bethany Gondek, 19, of Uniontown that was left at a self-checkout station inside Wal-Mart Friday at 10:54 a.m.
Police said that the person who took the money turned in the wallet to a clerk before leaving the store.
The suspect is between the ages of 40 and 50, stands about 5-foot-10 and weighs approximately 175 pounds, police said.
South Union Twp.
Window broken
Lorraine Walker, 69, of Uniontown told state police someone broke a window in her Snyder Terrace home sometime between 6 and 10:30 p.m. Friday.
South Union Twp.
Home damaged
State police said someone entered Charles M. Scott’s home, which is still under construction along Hopwood-Coolspring Road, and sprayed paint on the wall and cabinets.
East Huntingdon Twp.
Rock thrown
Lorraine Moon of Scottdale told state police someone threw fireworks into her yard sometime Tuesday night, damaging her vehicle and a birdbath.
East Huntingdon Twp.
Mailbox damaged
Tammy King, 25, of Scottdale told state police someone damaged her mailbox early Wednesday morning.
Mount Pleasant Twp.
Property damaged
State police said an unknown driver ran off a legislative route and into the yard of Wayne Kantorik of Acme sometime Sunday afternoon. Police said the driver struck a tree, fence posts and a mailbox before driving off.
Dunbar Twp.
Burglary reported
State police said someone entered a home being constructed along Bolobion Road sometime between 3 p.m. Wednesday and 7:30 a.m. Thursday and took building materials owned by Edge Management of Dunbar.
North Union Twp.
Truck taken
State police said someone opened a locked gate at WR Casteel Co. sometime between 7 p.m. June 27 and 7 a.m. June 28 and took a Ford bucket truck from the parking lot. The vehicle was later discovered burned at an unknown location.
Georges Twp.
Theft reported
William A. McCall, 65, of Uniontown told state police someone took a phone from his house sometime June 17 or 18.
North Union Twp.
Windows broken
David Jay Aiken of Portersville told state police someone smashed three windows on his truck sometime between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. June 30.
Man charged
City police said Alton M. McCollum of Uniontown was charged with unlawful restraint, simple assault and harassment after police received a report that McCollum was holding a woman hostage in his 50 Pershing Court residence Friday at 12:52 p.m.
Missing man reported
City police said a 66-year-old Uniontown man has been missing since July 8. Diana Long, a worker at Rest Haven Personal Care Home on 45 S. Mount Vernon Ave., told city police Joseph Karpel disappeared around 7:30 p.m.
Police said that Karpel is 5 feet 4 inches tall, 165 pounds, with gray hair and a long beard. Long told police Karpel walks with a limp and has cerebral palsy and Alzheimer’s disease.
Man reported
City police said Tracey Van Groves, no address available, was charged with public drunkenness after police received reports that an intoxicated man was swearing at people at A-Plus on 55 Morgantown St. at 12:28 a.m. on Saturday.
Woman cited
Connie Soroka of 274 Tent Church Road was cited for disorderly conduct after city police said she was involved in an altercation with another woman at 23 Lawn Ave. at 12:05 p.m. Saturday.