Fun day planned in city
Organizers are looking for some volunteers and donations for the “East End Community Fun Raising Day,” set for Aug. 27 at the future site of the new East End United Community Center in Uniontown. Event chairwoman Betty Saunders said she hopes people from throughout the county will attend and volunteer because the center, when completed, will be open to the entire community.
“It takes a whole community to have a fun day,” Saunders said.
The event begins at 11 a.m. on a large lot at the corner of Coolspring and Butler streets, where the center will be built one day.
The center operates out of an old house on East Main Street near the city border.
While the EEUCC board has been raising money for the new center for the last few years, the effort got a major boost last year when Joseph A. Hardy III contributed $750,000.
Saunders said people involved with the center want to show Hardy that they are trying to generate the rest of the money themselves.
“You can get a lot of help if you help yourself,” she said, adding that the theme of the day will be, “Help us Help Ourselves.”
She said she hopes construction can begin next summer.
However, fundraising is not the primary goal of the event.
“It’s going to be a fun day for the people in the East End,” EEUCC Board Chairman Kenneth L. Johnson said.
He said some proceeds will go to the center, but most of money generated will cover expenses.
“We want it to be a fun day and also raise some funds to help the community center,” Saunders said.
She said she sees children playing outside and thought it would be nice to have activities for them at the center lot.
White and black churches as well as the Bruderhof are participating in the event, Saunders said, and organizers plan to have food, refreshments, a disc jockey, games and other activities there.
A Fun Raising Day committee met and started making plans last week. Another meeting is scheduled for July 19 at 5 p.m. at Calvary Methodist Church, on Clark Street.
Saunders said people willing to volunteer are invited to attend the meeting.
“We just need help. We need volunteers for booths,” she said. “We’re open to suggestions and ideas.”
Anyone wishing to donate money or items should call Saunders at 724-437-9902.
Other committee members are the Rev. Mary Ann Long, co-chairwoman, the Rev. Marvin Wright, treasurer, Tracy Rockwell, secretary, and Joan M. Tracy.