Community calendar – July 17
THE ANNUAL WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA FLORIDA summer reunion will be held Aug. 3 at 12:30 p.m. at Oakhurst Tea Room, Route 31, six miles west of Somerset. Reservations may be made with Robert Knopsnyder, 689 Crossroad School Road, Garrett, Pa. 15542 or by calling at 814-233-5326. Anyone who winters, visits or vacations in Florida is invited. A brief program is planned and door prizes will be awarded. CHARLES AND ETHEL CRAMER DENSMORE descendants will hold a reunion on July 24 at the residence of Jim and Connie Klink, Jumonville. A covered-dish luncheon will be served at 2 followed by games and prizes. Table service will be provided.
For information, call 724-438-8169 or 724-438-3616.
HOPWOOD VILLAGE PROJECT members will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday at North Union Township Municipal Building, Coolspring-Jumonville Road.
AMERICAN FEDERATION of state, county and municipal employees retirees Local Chapter 8404 will meet at 1 p.m. Thursday at the Amvets Post 103, Buttermilk Lane, Hopwood. All state retirees are welcome to attend.
BROWNSVILLE WOMEN’S DEMOCRATIC CLUB will meet at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Brownsville House, Cadwallader Street. A white elephant sale will be held.
OHIOPYLE-STEWART COMMUNITY CENTER will hold a Texas Hold’em tournament on Aug. 27. Tickets are on sale now. For information, call 724-329-0896.