Community calendar – July 21
DIVIL-MAUST family will hold its 14th annual reunion on Sunday at Mon View Park. Family members are asked to bring a covered dish and their beverages, a gift for an adult and one for a child for the Chinese auction. For more information, call 724-564-1147 or 724-564-2547. IZAAK WALTON LEAGUE OF AMERICA, Brownsville, is seeking new members for the clean-up at the Brownsville/Luzerne Park pond. A meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on July 27 at the Hillman Pavilion, Brownsville. Call 724-322-4561 for more details.
Laurel Highlands Class of 1985
is forming a reunion committee for the 20th-year reunion. Committee is seeking the names and addresses of fellow classmates. If you are a graduate, or know someone that is, please contact either Leanne Phillis at 724-322-0327 or Frank Bendik at 814-360-0027, or e-mail at begin end
. Detailed information as to when and where the event will be held will be released at a later date.
Maddas (Amatuzio) family will hold their third annual reunion on Aug 6 between the hours of 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. at pavilion 1 at East Park, Connellsville. Relatives and friends are welcome. Families are to bring a covered dish or dessert. For further information call 724-626-1447.