Local briefs
Hearing continued Fayette County Judge Gerald R. Solomon has continued an appeal hearing for Franklin J. Weimer, a Hopwood man twice convicted of beating a toddler to death in 1998, until Nov. 1 at 8:30 a.m.
Weimer is serving a 221/2- to 45-year sentence for killing 2-year-old Zachary Johnson on Jan. 24, 1998. Weimer was convicted of third-degree murder and endangering the welfare of a child in 2000, but an appellate court overturned his conviction. He was re-tried in 2002 and convicted of the same charges.
Weimer claims he did not receive a fair trial for several reasons, one being that pictures of the deceased child were shown to jurors.
Performance scheduled
The Harden Family Ministries announces gospel music will be performed Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m. off Route 119, behind Foodland in Point Marion. The featured group is Gail Perney. Sign-up groups are Choz’n 1’z, The Drummonds and The Hardens.
Advisory issued
PennDOT District 12 advises boaters that a technique shaft on the Yough Bridge will be demolished today between 10:45 and 11 a.m. All boaters are advised to stay clear of the Route 40 bridge during this time period.
Up-to-date schedule information can be seen on the project Web site at www.youghdambridge.com.