Law and order
Uniontown Fire ruled accidental
State police fire marshals have ruled a Thursday night fire at a home at 61 Phillipi Ave. an accident, Uniontown Fire Chief Myron Nypaver said. Jeanette Risha owns the home.
City police said her son was smoking in a second-floor bedroom and accidentally set a mattress on fire at 9:23 p.m. Another family member dragged the burning mattress downstairs and outside the home. Nypaver said fire damaged the bedroom where it started and the stairs where the mattress was dragged. The home sustained smoke damage on the second floor and water damage on the first floor. No one was injured. The North Union Township Volunteer Fire Department assisted.
North Union Twp.
Three charged
Jacob Ranall Springer, 22, of Uniontown was arrested on simple assault charges for allegedly choking and punching Amanda Beth Capan, 21, of Uniontown and Roberta Jean Capan, 18, of Hopwood at 9 Santillo Lane at 11:30 a.m. Sunday, state police said
On the same day at 1:10 p.m. and at the same location, Debra Sue Capan, 38, of Hopwood and Michael Allan Capan, 18, of Hopwood were charged with simple assault for allegedly kicking and punching Springer, causing an injury to his right eye, state police said.
Windows broken
City police said they saw four vehicles with windows smashed out in the West Craig Street area while on patrol Friday at 4:40 a.m. The owners were notified.
Luzerne Twp.
Break-in reported
Sherry Lynn Kasievich reported that a rental property she owns on Hopewell Road was broken into between Monday and Thursday, but nothing was stolen, state police said.
German Twp.
Flag stolen
State police said an American flag was stolen from a flagpole at the Pals Citizen’s Club on Gray Street before 4:45 p.m. Wednesday.
South Union Twp.
Theft attempted
State police said an unknown black male left The Finish Line store in the Uniontown Mall with two pairs of Nike sandals in his pants, but was followed by a manager and dropped the shoes in the mall before he fled July 14.
South Union Twp.
Purse stolen
State police said Eugenie Ann Washabaugh’s purse was stolen from her Sycamore Street home between noon Sunday and 5:47 p.m. Thursday.
Georges Twp.
Two charged
Simple assault charges were filed against William A. Skidmore of Uniontown and Joshua L. Cummings of Smithfield for allegedly fighting in front of 521 Jarrett Drive in Smithfield on May 30, state police said.
Addison Twp.
Toolbox found
State police said a Stanley toolbox containing various tools was found in the middle of Route 40, four miles east of the Youghiogheny Lake Bridge in Somerset County at 9 p.m. Tuesday. The owner can claim it by calling the state police station at 724-439-7111.
Junkyard fire battled
Firefighters from three departments were called to battle a fire at Losko’s junkyard on Old Route 88 Friday afternoon.
According to Washington County 9-1-1, California, West Brownsville and South Brownsville fire departments were called out around 1:30 p.m. for a fire in old gasoline tanks at the junkyard. They were on the scene for several hours.
Phone missing
Levada Rush of 10 Angle St., Brownsville, told Brownsville police that her cellular telephone was lost or stolen between Brownsville and Republic. The incident was reported July 19. Rush told police someone else had been using her phone when it disappeared. Rush told police she last saw it on July 8.
Car towed
Stanley Bradley of 45 Cemetery Rd., Brownsville, told Brownsville police on July 18 that someone had stolen his car. Police at that time informed Bradley that his car had been towed on July 15 after it was found abandoned near 43 Cemetery Rd. after a hit and run accident. There was minor damage to the other vehicle.
Bradley’s car did not have current insurance or registration and was towed to Joe’s Body Shop in Filbert. Bradley was told the car would be released to him by having it towed home or by showing that it had proper insurance, inspection and title.
Entry attempted
According to Brownsville police, someone attempted to enter a garage in the 300 block of Brown Street. The incident was discovered around 3 p.m. Wednesday. There was a footprint on the garage door and a hole about 15×12 inches in the door.
Assault reported
Brownsville police arrested Charles Brown, 56, of 404 High St., Brownsville, on charges of aggravated assault, aggravated assault with a weapon, simple assault with a weapon and harassment following an incident Wednesday evening. According to police, Brown assaulted Tyrone Smith at the Elks Club on Brownsville Avenue, striking him with a 2×4 board. Police said Smith had a large cut on his face, a large lump on the left side of his face and several bumps and bruises on both of his arms. Smith was taken to Tara Hospital at Brownsville where he received seven stitches on his face and was X-rayed to determine if he had further injuries. Brown was arraigned before Magisterial District Justice Randy Abraham and released after posting 10 percent of a $30,000 bond.
Charge filed
Ruby Brown, 43, no known address, was charged with theft of services for allegedly running up a $35 bill in food and drinks at Meloni’s Restaurant on West Main Street at 8:15 p.m. Wednesday without having money to pay for it, city police said.