Law & order
June 1, 2005 Franklin Twp.
Game stolen
Charles Eddy, 33, of Waynesburg told state police someone entered his Grandview Drive residence through an unlocked window sometime between 3:45 p.m. Friday and 4 a.m. Saturday and stole his XBox game console and five game cartridges.
Dunkard Twp.
Hit-and-run reported
State police said a white woman in her 30s allegedly fled the scene after vehicles driven by the unidentified woman and Rober Cummings, 56, of Lake Lynn collided at the intersection of Routes 2021 and 2012 near Bobtown Market Wednesday at 11:25 a.m. Cummings told police the woman, who was driving a green car and had brown hair, fled without exchanging information when he went in a store to use the phone.
Perry Twp.
Vehicles collide
State police said vehicles driven by Michael Leach, 57, of Morgantown, W.Va., and an unidentified driver collided while traveling north on Interstate 79 Monday at 4:30 a.m. Leach told police he was trying to merge into the left lane when the accident occurred because of construction.
Franklin Twp.
Windows damaged
Rick Caldwell of Waynesburg told state police someone damaged window screens on his Wayne Village residence sometime between 9 p.m. Sunday and 12:30 a.m. Monday.
Morgan Twp.
Man arrested
State police said Timothy J. Haywood, 29, of Waynesburg was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. Police said the incident occurred on Route 188 at Reservoir Road at 1:50 a.m. Saturday.
Washington Twp.
Accident reported
State police said Kevin Kirby of Waynesburg was not injured when his vehicle struck a guardrail along Interstate 79 May 23 at 5:21 p.m. Police said the accident was weather related.
Franklin Twp.
Money stolen
State police said someone entered the Crago Avenue residence of Rudy Marisa of Waynesburg and stole an attach? case and money from Marisa’s wallet sometime before 10:45 p.m. May 21.
Whitely Twp.
Residence entered
Brenda Patterson of Waynesburg told state police a white man with short brown hair entered her 213 Tower Road residence May 24 at 2:46 p.m. Police said the man fled in a maroon car after Patterson was able to scare him off.
East Huntingdon Twp.
Jeep damaged
State police said someone damaged a Jeep owned by Laura Close, 41, of Scottdale sometime between 7:30 p.m. Friday and 1:30 a.m. Saturday while the vehicle was parked at the Scottdale Fireman’s Club along Route 819.
Redstone Twp.
Woman to be charged
State police said a Uniontown woman will be charged with harassment after she allegedly threatened to beat up Tomm Fisher of Chestnut Ridge Saturday at 1 p.m.
South Union Twp.
Three charged
State police said Leeann Isler, Shawna Jordan and a juvenile, all from Uniontown, were charged after they allegedly were involved in a physical altercation with Jennifer Burnfield of Uniontown at the Summit Inn parking lot Saturday at 3:34 a.m. Police said the juvenile also slashed four tires on a vehicle belonging to Denise Ashton of Hopwood.
Dunbar Twp.
Device found
State police said a baseball pitcher’s speed timing device was found along Route 1051 in Trotter near the Dairy Mart Sunday evening. Police said the owner may contact the Uniontown state police barracks at 724-439-7111 to claim the item.
Dunbar Twp.
Vehicles collide
State police said no one was injured when vehicles driven by Linda Beckner of West Newton and Terry Ansell of Belle Vernon collided at the intersection of Main and Maple streets at 1:42 p.m. Friday.
Wharton Twp.
Residence damaged
State police said someone used a paintball gun to shoot at Charles Ryan’s 336 Laurel Lane residence sometime after 9:30 p.m. Friday.
South Union Twp.
Woman injured
State police said 76-year-old Ann Elias of Ohio was injured when someone sitting in the passenger seat of a vehicle grabbed Elias’ purse from off her shoulder while she was walking in the Super Kmart parking lot Saturday at 4:30 p.m. Police said Elias was drug to the ground and later treated for shoulder, rib and head injuries at Uniontown Hospital.
Police ask anyone who witnessed this incident to call Trooper T.C. Knapp at 724-415-1205.
Georges Twp.
Man injured
State police said 43-year-old Bernard Davis sustained moderate injuries when the vehicle he was driving struck a tree along York Run Road at 1 a.m. Sunday and flipped over several times, coming to rest on its roof.
Perry Twp.
Signature forged
Vivian Dewar of Perryopolis told state police her grandson, James Lawson, 35, of Perryopolis, stole a check from her checkbook, forged her signature and cashed a $325 check. Police said charges were filed against Lawson.
Franklin Twp.
Juvenile assault
Charles B. Stoy, 49, of Waynesburg was arrested on charges of aggravated indecent assault and indecent assault for allegedly assaulting a 13-year-old girl in the Wayne Village apartments in Waynesburg at 12:45 a.m. Sunday, state police said. The victim and a friend called police when Stoy left, and he was detained a short distance away, police said. Stoy was arraigned before Magisterial District Judge Lou Dayich and released on $10,000 unsecured bond.
Cumberland Twp.
Two arrested
Police officers from Waynesburg and Cumberland Township made two arrests for driving under the influence while operating a Greene County DUI Task Force sobriety checkpoint on Route 21 Friday and Saturday. The task force was part of a statewide weekend-long effort to deter drunken driving.
Gary L. Sprague, 44, of Brackenridge and Timothy D. Cole, 23, of Waynesburg were arrested for DUI, police said. Sprague was arraigned before Magisterial District Judge Lou Dayich and placed in the Greene County Prison in lieu of $1,000 bail. Cole was released to a family member.
The task force also made three arrests for possession of controlled substances and four for possession of drug paraphernalia, and issued 10 citations, police said. Police stopped 263 vehicles.
Springfield Twp.
Car stolen
A dark blue and black 1994 Buick Regal owned by Joseph E. Miller, 21, of White was stolen Monday between 1:30 and 5 p.m. from a parking area near Camp Christian while he was fishing, state police said.
Vehicle stolen
A silver, four-door 2002 Honda Accord with a sunroof and aluminum wheels owned by Carl Osborne, 40, of Carmichaels was stolen from Market Street between 4 and 5 a.m. Monday, state police said. Police ask anyone with information to call the station at 724-627-6151.
Franklin Twp.
Man arrested
William B. Thompson of Springdale was arrested for driving under the influence after he lost control of his vehicle on Route 218, six miles south of Waynesburg, and it overturned twice Sunday at 6 p.m., state police at Waynesburg said. Thompson was treated at Greene County Memorial Hospital, police said.
Franklin Twp.
DUI charged
Driving under the influence charges were filed against Darlene Smouse, 32, of Powhatan Point, Ohio, after a traffic stop on Route 21 near Eastview on Saturday, state police at Waynesburg said.
Monongahela Twp.
Drug charges filed
Possession of controlled substance charges were filed against Cornelius Pete Dotson, 27, of Masontown after he allegedly was found with suspected marijuana during a traffic stop Friday at 11:36 p.m. on Route 21, state police said.
Illegal guns found
State police said two illegal firearms were found under the driver’s and passenger’s seat of a car driven by a 19-year-old Edenborn man after a traffic stop Sunday at 9 a.m. on Main Street.
Franklin Twp.
Hauler cited
Washington-based Waste Management of Pennsylvania was cited with illegal transportation of municipal waste after liquid waste leaked from the rear of one of its trucks on Miller Lane, Elm Drive, Route 21 and Zimmerman Lane on Thursday, state police at Waynesburg said. The truck was pulled over in the Central Elementary School parking lot. The citation was filed at Magisterial District Judge Neil Canan’s office.
ATV stolen
A dark green 1989 Yamaha 600 all-terrain vehicle with black fenders owned by John Stankola was stolen from his yard in Walnut Hill on May 25, state police said. Police ask anybody with information about the incident to call the station at 724-627-6151.
Georges Twp.
Burglary reported
A Sony PlayStation 2 and an X-Box game system owned by Earnest Anthony Riggin, 35, was stolen from his First Street residence in Continental 3 Monday between 6:45 and 10:05 p.m., state police said. Police ask anybody with information about the incident to call the station at 724-439-7111.
Springhill Twp.
Dog stolen
A Basset hound puppy owned by Hazel Johnson of Lake Lynn was stolen from her Hillcrest drive kennel between 11 p.m. Sunday and 5 p.m. Monday, state police said. Police ask anybody with information about the incident to call the station at 724-439-7111.
South Union Twp.
Two injured
State police said Hallie Cupp, 20, of Uniontown and Ramon Gottfreid, 46, of Nemacolin were involved in an accident in the Uniontown Mall parking lot Saturday at 7:58 p.m. Both had minor injuries. Gottfreid had a passenger.
No one hurt in crash
Nicholas Encrapera, 89, of Stockdale and Matt Jellick, 55, of Masontown were not injured in an accident on Route 40 at the Chuck Wagon Restaurant at 1:35 p.m. Monday, state police said.
Two cited
Disorderly conduct citations were filed against Tyree Lavar Truly, 28, of 110 Pershing Court and Alisha M. Basiger, 21, of 304 W. Crawford Ave., Connellsville, after they were seen in a car behind Rick’s Foundry on Miller Avenue at 11:12 p.m. Monday, city police said.
Dunkard Twp.
Man cited
Joseph Eugene Sedmak, 22, of Cincinnati, Ohio, was cited with harassment for allegedly arguing with and threatening Rodney Lee Williams, 33, of Girard at 4:15 p.m. Sunday at Highpoint Raceway, state police said.
Cumberland Twp.
Charges pending
Harassment charges are pending against a 24-year-old Nemacolin man after a fight with Rebecca Reynolds, 20, of Carmichaels at 145 Wood St. in Nemacolin at 2:15 p.m. Saturday, state police said.
Jefferson Twp.
Pepsi stolen
Someone entered Mary Lou Lingis’ garage along Jefferson Road and stole a case of Pepsi between 11 p.m. Sunday and 10:30 a.m. Monday, state police at Waynesburg said.
Rices Landing
Theft from shed
Someone broke into a shed owned by Jennifer Lavins, 36, on Center Avenue and stole items from inside Friday at 7:50 p.m., state police said.
Morgan Twp.
Trimmer stolen
A Husqvarna gas trimmer owned by Caroline Hall, 25, of Clarksville was stolen from her truck at 58 Pine St., Clarksville, May 23, state police said.
Jefferson Twp.
Woman hurt
State police said Lisa J. Healy, 45, of Carmichaels suffered minor injuries after she hit an embankment and a street sign while driving along Route 88, just north of Hill Top Road, Sunday.
North Union Twp.
Mischief reported
State police said someone pushed in a screen door at Gerremaine W. Carol’s Finley Street home and knocked down her ornamental lights Monday at 4:33 a.m.
Bullskin Twp.
Gasoline stolen
Someone left the Sunoco on Route 119 without paying for $32.95 in gas on May 23, state police said.
Man charged
City police said Kennith Baker of Uniontown was charged with aggravated and simple assault, harassment, disorderly conduct and public drunkenness after he allegedly broke his sister Rose Shaffer’s jaw at her 24 Dunlap St. residence Sunday.
Baker, who reportedly lives with Shaffer, left the residence after she called police and was arrested later near the railroad tracks at the end of West Kerr Street, police said.
Police said Baker was intoxicated and was taken to the police station and transported by ambulance to Uniontown Hospital. Baker later was placed in the Fayette County Prison after he failed to post 10 percent of a $25,000 bond set by Magisterial District Judge Mike Defino. A preliminary hearing is set for June 6 at 2 p.m.
Dunbar Twp.
Man cited
State police said Dale Scott, 41, of New Stanton was cited for several violations after he allegedly failed to properly negotiate a left curve on Dunbar-Ohiopyle Road, near Kingan Hill, and fled the scene on foot May 16 at 10:10 p.m.
South Union Twp.
Man released
State police said Charles Whipkey, 43, of Nemacolin was cited for public drunkenness and disorderly conduct and released to a family member at 9 p.m. Sunday after Whipkey allegedly urinated beside a Dumpster behind Panera Bread.
Man harassed
Homer Walters of 39 Grant St. told city police Sunday at 9:29 p.m. a woman from Connellsville was calling and harassing him.
Glasses broken
Lois Jordan of 234 Coolspring St. told city police a man known to her took keys to Jordan’s residence off her daughter, entered their home and broke some glasses Sunday at 9:43 p.m.
Rocks thrown
City police said Beverly Roscoe told an officer that two male juveniles were throwing rocks at her 69 E. Highland Ave. residence Sunday at 9:45 p.m. Police said Roscoe’s residence was not damaged.
Two cited
City police said Clifford Murphy and Shawn Murphy were cited after an incident in the Sunoco parking lot Monday at 11:30 p.m. in which they were found with open alcoholic beverages. Police said Clifford Murphy, of 160 Brick Road, Dunbar, was cited with two counts of disorderly conduct and restriction on alcoholic beverages. Police said Shawn Murphy, of 220 Crossland Ave., Uniontown, was cited with restriction on alcoholic beverages.