Vanderbilt, DL&V to celebrate
VANDERBILT – Plans for the borough’s 100th centennial celebration and DL&V Fire Department’s 75th anniversary celebration slated for Aug. 26-28 are beginning to take shape. However, with that said Centennial Committee Chairman Jack Washabaugh said community help is still needed.
“We are excited because this is going to be one of the best August celebrations in Fayette County this year,” said Washabaugh. “The committee has been working hard for the past two years preparing in anticipation of this year’s grand celebration.”
Washabaugh said the festivities will kick off Aug 26 with a queen contest and contest chairman Tiffany Mardis said there would be a number of age groups for the girls to enter.
“We have a 0 to 2-year-old category in addition to 3-5, 6-9, 10-12, 13-15 and 16-18 categories,” said Mardis. “We have someone ready to make the sashes, and we are in the process of finalizing the flower plans.
Mardis said she hopes to be able to use a Dawson church for the contest, but has not received permission to do so yet. She also said that there would be a $10 registration fee charged to girls who wish to enter the contest.
For more information on the queen contest, Mardis can be reached at 724-529-7171.
The Centennial Parade is also shaping up, according to Washabaugh, and will be held at 1 p.m. Aug. 27. Washabaugh said the parade will form at the old Liberty School and will march down Main Street (Route 201) to the fire hall, where most of the activities and booths will be held and set up.
Washabaugh additionally said that Liberty Street and the Leisenring-Vanderbilt Road would be closed that day.
“We wanted to make it like an old-fashion street fair,” said Washabaugh. “We already have commitments from the Connellsville Area High School marching band, the Imperials Marching Group and several Boy Scout troops.”
Washabaugh said anyone interested in participating in the parade could call him at 724-529-7103 or call borough secretary Mary Jane Winterhalter at the borough building at 724-529-2422. Washabaugh said if Winterhalter doesn’t answer an answering machine will take a message and someone will get back to the caller.
Washabaugh said other activities tentatively planned for the weekend include children’s games, food and craft vendors, a balloon release and music. High Ryder, the Del Sols and the Flatwood Fugitives have signed on to provide music and a State Association of Borough’s plaque will be presented to the borough.
A fireworks display will end Saturday’s activities at dusk.
Anyone who would like to set up a food booth can call Kathy Riggin at 724-529-2763. Riggin said she would like to get as many booths set up as possible.
Sunday’s activities will include a church service beginning at 10 a.m. with a plaque presentation to follow from the State Association of Borough’s. An Oldest Man and Oldest Woman contest will be held with plaques presented to both.
Washabaugh said a covered- dish dinner would conclude the day’s activities beginning at noon and ending at about 2 p.m.
Tri-Town Area Historical Society President Patty Lint announced that the centennial committee has agreed to produce a souvenir book like the one they did for Dawson. Lint said full pages, three-quarter pages, half-pages and one-quarter pages will be sold for $100, $75, $50 and $25.
She additionally said that churches, organizations, businesses and residents could be included in the book.
“People can dedicate a page or whatever they want to their kids just to say that they are proud of them or in memory of someone that they have lost,” said Lint. “It’s up to them. They can also take a page and fill it with one or several old pictures of Vanderbilt or simply place their child’s picture in the book as a reminder of how much they love them.”
Lint also said that an “In Memory Of” page in the back of the book would be established for a nominal fee. For more information, call Winterhalter. The centennial committee will also be selling Vanderbilt mugs, hats and T-shirts and will be giving away pens with the Vanderbilt logo on them.