VFW Post 7023 works on honor roll
The names committee of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7023, Perryopolis, is obtaining names of military personnel from Perry Township or Perryopolis Borough who served on active duty and were discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable. These veterans may be eligible to have their names engraved on new plaques at the Perryopolis Area Veterans Honor Roll.
However, some may have their names already listed.
Anyone wanting to be included on the honor roll must submit a copy (not the original) of separation papers, such as a DD 214, Form 553 or another type of official documentation. These documents should show the date and place of entry, and the date and place of separation. Consideration as to eligibility will be given to all applicants.
Veterans should include their name and phone number on the back of the document copies. Those interested in having their names appear on the honor roll are asked to send the required correspondence to: Names Committee, P.O. Box 566, Perryopolis, Pa. 15473.