Church briefs
Vacation Bible School : CALVARY APOSTOLIC CHURCH, located on Rolling Hills Estate Road, will hold Vacation Bible School Aug. 7-11. Cost is free but pre-registration is required. Theme is “Fiesta – Where Kids are Fired Up About Jesus.’
CHERRY TREE ALLIANCE CHURCH, 640 Cherry Tree Lane, Uniontown, will hold Vacation Bible School Aug. 7-11 from 6 to 8 p.m. for children age 4 to fifth grade as they spend five days unfolding the chaotic and extraordinary events surrounding Jesus’ birth as we embark upon a Holy Land Adventure and explore the Bethlehem Village.
GREENE VALLEY CHURCH OF GOD will have Fiesta Vacation Bible School Aug. 16-18. Registration starts at 6:45 p.m. and classes end at 9 p.m. On Saturday, Aug. 19, there will be an ending Fiesta Celebration Carnival from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. For further information, contact the Green Valley Church of God at 724-966-8638 or Nicole Winslow at 724-592-5014.
MASONTOWN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH will host Vacation Bible School Aug. 6-10 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the German-Masontown Park near the soccer field. “God’s All-Star Champions’ is an interactive learning experience for children from preschool through fifth grade. They will experience sporting adventure in five different training camps: soccer, bicycling, softball, field hockey and mountaineering. For more information or to register, phone Barb Lewis at 724-583-2655.
MCCLELLANDTOWN FREE METHODIST CHURCH, 154 Blaine Ave., will host Treasure Cove Vacation Bible School Aug. 14-18 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. A Treasure Cove VBS kick-off will be held during worship on Sunday, Aug. 13, at 11:45 a.m. For more information, call Debbie Torres at 724-737-5041 or the Rev. Ginny Eberhart at 724-324-5024.
MOUNT OLIVE EVANGELICAL CHURCH will hold Vacation Bible School Aug. 7-11 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall, 515 Pleasant Valley Road, Route 982, Connellsville. There will be individual classes for everyone from 2-year-olds to adults. This year’s theme is “Mount Olive Olympics’ and there will be races, competition, classes, snacks and crafts. The closing will be Friday, Aug. 11, at 8 p.m. This will kick off a weekend of family camping at the fellowship hall. Saturday will be the marathon, family softball games and the annual corn and wiener roast. As a culminating activity, they will meet at fellowship hall at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, Aug. 10, and go to the Yogi Bear Campground water slides and pool. Cost is $7 per person. Lunch will be provided.
Today through next week:
ABUNDANT LIFE CHURCH, located at 1239 Brownfield Road, Uniontown,, worships Sunday at 9:15 and 10:45 a.m. Pastor Nicholas J. Cook will deliver the message “A Love Worth Giving.’ Small group Bible studies are offered at 9:30 a.m. Refreshments are served at 10:20 a.m. Holy Communion wil be served at 10:30 a.m. The church will host a Secret Keeper Girl Tour with back-to-school fashion show for 8- to 12-year-old girls and their mothers on Wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m. For more information, phone the church at 724-425-9700.
ALLISON CHRISTIAN CHURCH announces X-Factor Youth Group will meet today at 6:30 p.m. Sunday worship begins at 9 a.m. The Rev. Michael Peton is pastor. Elders are Charlotte Hughes and Will Chambers. Jeff Johnson is worship leader. Rick Marker is junior church leader.
Christian Community Day is Sunday, Aug. 20, from 1 to 5 p.m. at Allison 2 Fire Hall parking lot. There will be live music, speakers, games, refreshments and freebies. Volunteers are needed. See Denise Marker is you would like to help.
ASBURY UNITED METHO-DIST CHURCH, corner of Beeson Avenue and Dunbar Street in Uniontown, announces Sunday’s more casual 9 a.m. worship service includes the message “Christian Faith Is…’ by the Rev. Thomas E. Brown, Holy Communion, praise choruses led by song leader Debbie Conn and special music by Sharon Brown.
The more traditional 11 a.m. service will include the message by Brown, Holy Communion and special music by soloist Dr. Frank Ronco and Jim Hutchinson, organist and music director. Loving Nursery Care is available for infants and children under 4. Children’s bulletins available for ages 3 to 7. Tele-receivers are available for the hearing impaired.
Asbury Youth will not meet this week. The weekly praise and worship service begins at 6:30 p.m. in fellowship hall with entrance on Dunbar Street. This is an informal contemporary worship service with praise music by Paul and Barb Cramer and Paul Chiado. Brown will bring the message this week. A time for fellowship begins at 6 p.m. with dessert and beverages served.
Applications will be accepted until Wednesday for Asbury’s Adventure Day Camp Aug. 14-16 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for grades kindergarten through sixth. Activities include Bible study, hiking and swimming, making crafts and music on the mountaintop at Jumonville.
BREAD OF LIFE CHURCH, 15 Bouquet St., located near the corner of Connellsville and Bouquet streets, Uniontown, with the Revs. Brian and Sharon Kisner and the Revs. John and Kelley Broadwater, worships Sunday at 10:15 a.m. and 6 p.m. with live praise and worship, staffed nursery, youth group and children’s church. Outreach ministries include Uniontown Community Storehouse, Gospel on Wheels and Saturday Nite Live. For more information, phone 724-438-4882.
BREAKTHROUGH WORSHIP CENTER, located on Ferguson Road in Mount Braddock, will hold Friday Night Worship today at 7 p.m. The Breakthrough Praise Band will lead contemporary praise and worship and the Rev. Adam Lawson will bring an anointed word. The church worships Sunday at 10:30 a.m. with contemporary worship led by the BWC praise band and Extreme Adventures Children’s Ministry will meet during morning worship. There will be a church luncheon held following morning worship and preparation for the Back to School Bash will take place and there will be no evening worship this week.
The Intercessory Prayer Team meets Tuesdays at 10 a.m. The church also worships Thursdays at 7 p.m. with a new study series called “Undercover’ by John Bevere. Upcoming events include Discipleship Graduation Celebration Dinner on Aug. 7, a Back to School Bash for the Mount Braddock Community, women’s workout class and youth explosion. For details, check the Web site Other ministries include Fresh Fire Ministries and Ministry Mentorship Program. For more information, directions or prayer, visit the Web site or call the church at 724-569-9549.
BROWNSVILLE FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST), 512 Second St., meets for worship Sundays at 10:45 a.m. The Rev. Paul Sandusky is pastor. Nursery is available. The youth group has planted a garden to assist with food bank donations and is also collecting a “mile’ of pennies for future projects. Church picnic is scheduled for Aug. 20 at Barry and Judy Riffles (time to be announced). For more information on church ministries, call 724-785-2488.
BROWNSVILLE UNITED METHODIST CHARGE announces Sunday worship will be at 8:30 a.m. at West Bend, 10 a.m. at South Brownsville and 11 a.m. at Brownsville First. The Rev. Paul E. Wilson Sr. will speak on “Being True to Your World.’ For more information about any of the Brownsville Charge churches, phone the charge office at 724-785-8704.
CALVARY APOSTOLIC CHURCH, located on Rolling Hills Estate Road in North Union Township between Sylvan Heights Cemetery and the PennDOT facilities, announces Sunday services begin at 10 a.m. with music by the CAC Praise Team and a special presentation from the CAC Drama Team. Wednesday services begin at 7 p.m. with special prayer focused on the Ladies Department followed by a contemporary worship session and Bible teaching by the Rev. Danny Aber. For more information, phone 724-438-5052 or visit the Web site at
CALVARY UNITED METH-ODIST CHURCH, located at 34 Clark St. and the corner of Collins Avenue, Uniontown, worships Sunday at 9:30 a.m. The Rev. Maryann Long will bring the message “It’s Not About Me or You.’ Greeters will be Esther Wilson and Joy Craig. Acolytes will be Shannon Smitley and Aaron Smitley. Organist Roddy Hibbs will be back. A fully staffed nursery and babyland are available.
CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF UNIONTOWN, 23 S. Gallatin Ave., will have a contemporary praise and worship service Saturday at 6 p.m. when John Yukish will give the message and Kathy Yukish will provide special music.
On Sunday, worship is at 10:30 a.m., when the Rev. Art Mace, senior pastor, will give the message “Do You Want Power or Influence?’ David Landi will present the children’s sermon. Patty Roddy is pastoral associate and Denise Zundel is director of music ministries. Morning announcements begin at 10:20 a.m. Nursery and pre-school care as well as children’s church for age three to third grade are available during morning worship. For more information, phone 724-438-6821.
CHERRY TREE ALLIANCE CHURCH, 640 Cherry Tree Lane, Uniontown, across from Uniontown Wal-Mart, continues its summer schedule this Sunday with a blended contemporary service at 8:30 a.m. and a blended traditional service at 10 a.m. In both services, the Rev. Jack Herman will begin a new series of messages on the book of Hebrews titled “Finding Jesus, Finding the Abundant Life.’ The second message will be “Jesus, Our Great High Priest: Refusing to Remain Spiritually Immature by Apprehending God’s Chosen Eternal High Priest.’ There will be no Sunday evening services until Sept. 10. Nursery care is provided for all Sunday morning services. On Wednesday, there will be prayer cell at 11 a.m. For more information on church ministries, phone 724-437-6850.
CHRIST CHURCH, Anglican, 319 Church St., Browns-ville, announces the Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus will be celebrated with Holy Eucharist Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Deacon Donald Bowers will preside at the Holy Communion and the Rev. Travis Deans, co-director of Teens For Christ, will be guest preacher. There will be no weekday services or classes Aug. 5-19. The Rev. Stanley Burdock is pastor. For further information on church ministries or directions to the church, phone 724-785-7958.
CHRIST UNITED METH-ODIST CHURCH, located at the corner of Fayette Street and Beeson Boulevard in Uniontown, worships Sunday at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Joong W. Koe. A spaghetti dinner and ’50s dance will be held Friday, Aug. 18, from 4 to 7 p.m. Call 724-437-4097.
COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, 1264 W. Penn Blvd., Uniontown, announces Sunday worship is at 9:30 a.m. Pastors are the Rev. Roger P. Howard and Daniel L. Brant. New members welcome. For more information, phone 724-437-4740.
CONFIRMING WORD MINISTRY, 301 Fairview Ave., Masontown, with Apostle Solomon Dotson worships Sunday at 11 a.m. Prayer meeting is Wednesday at 7 p.m. and Bible study is Thursday at 7 p.m.
The church will have the first Pastor’s Anniversary services from Aug. 7-11 at 7 p.m. The following pastors will speak: The Rev. Thompson, Monday and Tuesday; the Rev. Calloway, Wednesday; the Rev. Winfrey, Thursday; and the Rev. Cooper, Friday. On Sunday, Aug. 13, the church will have guest speakers from Living Waters International Ministry in Greensburg: 11 a.m. services with the Rev. Clyde Sumey and 4 p.m. with the Rev. Thelma Mitchell. For more information, phone 724-737-5078.
CONNELLSVILLE STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST, 519 Connellsville St., Uniontown, with Evangelist DeWitt Clinton. Worship is Sunday at 10:45 a.m. and 7 p.m. For more information, phone 724-438-1112.
DENBEAU HEIGHTS CHRISTIAN CHURCH, located on the East End Road, worships Sunday at 9:30 a.m. with the Rev. Roland O’Brien.
DUNLAP’S CREEK CHURCH, 502 Twin Hills Road, Merrittstown, also known as the Old Stone Church, welcomes Jean McBride as guest minister to Sunday’s 11 a.m. worship service.
EAST LIBERTY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 169 Main St., Vanderbilt, worships Sunday at 10:30 a.m., with Pastor David McElroy. For more information, check the Web site at
EMMANUEL BIBLE CHURCH, a Pentecostal church, located at 405 W. George St., Carmichaels, worships Sunday at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. and Wednesday at 7 p.m. The Rev. Roy D. Hetrick is pastor. For more information, phone 724-966-8014.
FAIRVIEW UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, Laurendale Road, Grindstone, worships on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. with the Rev. James Myers giving the sermon “There’s A Famine in Our Lands.’ Children’s church is at the same time. Special music will be provided by the church choir with Jeff Hayducko at the piano. Holy Communion will be taken. Acolytes are Ryan Donella, Harrison Boyd and Megan Boyd. Phone 724-677-2151 or 724-677-9940 for more information.
FAITH ASSEMBLY OF GOD, 690 Morgantown Road, Uniontown, about a half-mile south of Big Lots, worships Sunday and 8:30 and 10:30 a.m., when the Rev. Don Immel begins a new series of messages titled “Celebrate Recovery: Recovering From Hang-ups, Heartaches and Hassles.’ This week’s sermon will be “Recovery: Released From the Bondage of Bitterness.’ For the 6 p.m. service, KryUp, a local Christian contemporary worship band, will lead worship and provide special music. Pastor Rob Gillen, summer intern, will bring the message “The Meaning of Life: Gaining New Perspective.’ Gillen returns this week to Valley Forge Christian College to continue his studies in pastoral ministry.
Wednesday Family Night services begin at 7 p.m. with Royal Rangers and Missionettes for children, 212 Ministry for youths and an adult Bible study led by Immel. Music Ministry Development will also meet.
A well-staffed nursery is available during all services and transportation can be arranged by calling 724-437-8101, ext. 100. More information on Faith Assembly and upcoming events can be found on the Web site at
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, 17 N. Morgantown St., Fairchance, worships Sunday at 10 a.m. with the Rev. James M. Leonard, interim pastor. Sunday at 6 p.m., Leonard will continue his series on “The Church Through the New Testament,’ this week looking at the book of Hebrews. Wednesday at 7 p.m., the congregation meets for prayer and Bible study on “Worship.’ Childcare and transportation are available for all services. For more information, phone the church at 724-564-2080 or the pastor at 724-564-2220.
FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF NEW SALEM, 800 New Salem Road, 3.4 miles west of Route 40, turn at Sheetz plaza and proceed 3.4 miles west on New Salem Road, worships Sunday at 10:45 a.m. with Rufus Pee preaching this week on “Lessons To Be Learned From Katrina.’ There will be weekly Communion. Youth group for grades seven to 12 (junior and senior high) meets at 7 p.m. For more information on church ministries, phone the office Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 724-245-2741.
FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST) OF REPUBLIC welcomes Emily Lapasardi as guest soloist during Sunday’s 10:55 a.m. worship service when the Rev. J.W. Hormell delivers the message “Jesus is our Helper.’ Brenda DelSignore is worship leader. The service includes a children’s message, followed by a staffed nursery for infants and toddlers and second hour for children in preschool through third grade, directed by Rita Ballone and Donna Johnson. Emily Murray is acolyte and Lil Marks will greet the congregation. For more information on church activities, phone the office at 724-246-9387.
FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, located on the Towne Square at Fourth and Liberty streets, California, announces the Rev. Paul N. Min will preach “I Kings 6: What Are You Doing Here, Elijah?’ at the 10 a.m. Sunday worship service. Nursery care is available every Sunday. Sherry Jurik will serve as greeter. Elder Jim Zeaman will lead Scripture readings, Kimberly Sears will assist as acolyte. Church organist Carolyn Davis will perform. The Vacation Bible School Children will conduct a special presentation. Deacon Nanette Bodnar will host coffee hour. The Daisytown Presbyterian Church worships at 8:20 a.m. For more information on church activities, call 724-938-7676.
FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 114 W. Church St., Fairchance, worships Sunday at 11 a.m. The Rev. Philip Elliott, guest minister, will give the sermon “The Bread of Life.’ Organist is Marcia Goisse. Pianist is Amy Lewis. Mary Catherine Abraham is head usher. Randy Grimm is liturgist. Ushers are Stacey Szewczyk, Renee DuBois, Joshua DuBois and Randy Grimm. Joshua DuBois is acolyte. Judy Grimm has the nursery. For more information on church activities, phone 724-564-2042.
FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 102 W. Church Ave., Masontown, worships Sunday at 11 a.m. Sandy Townsend will deliver the message. Robin Carr is organist. Greeter for August is Kathy West. Acolyte for August is Rachael Lowery. Minute for Mission is Kay Nevlud. The next free community meal is Aug. 8 from 4 to 7 p.m. Ushers for this Sunday are Pete Sisko, Frank Martin, Kathy West and Don Lilley. For more information, phone the office at 724-583-7840.
FORT BURD UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF BROWNSVILLE, located at 200 Thornton Road, next to the hospital, worships Sunday at 11 a.m. Pastor William E. Lawson will deliver the message “The Armor of God.’ There will be a combined Sunday school class for preschool-age children through sixth grade as part of worship time. There will be a special time for young people. The monthly prayer list will be distributed. Members with pastoral needs should call the office. For more information on church activities, phone 724-785-3080.
GARWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH, Route 481, 637 Scenic Drive near Daisytown, will celebrate the ordinance of Holy Communion at 11 a.m. worship service on Sunday.
GIG COFFEE HOUSE, Route 857, south toward Fairchance in the Old Wynn Bargain Store, welcomes Cause a Stir in concert today from 8 to 10 p.m. Doors open at 7 p.m. For more information, phone 724-880-7832.
GRACE BRETHREN CHURCH, 1 Grace Lane, off Derrick Avenue, Uniontown, worships Sunday at 10:30 a.m. when the Rev. Nick Philiposian brings the message “The Enrichment of Christ in the Life of the Believer, Part 2.’ Nursery is provided. For more information, phone the office at 724-437-3401.
GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH, currently holding services at the South Union Township Fire Department Social Hall located at 364 S. Mount Vernon Ave., Uniontown, worships Sunday at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. There is also a service Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Special services are also held for youths. Justin Argabright is pastor. For more information, phone 724-438-4850 or visit the Web site at
GREAT BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH, 47 W. Fayette St., Uniontown, worships Sunday at 10:30 a.m. with Pastor Gregory Cooper bringing the message. Calling the office at 724-437-6161 provides transportation and a nursery. Vacation Bible School children will perform during the worship service. Junior BYF is 3 to 4:30 p.m. and Senior BYF is 5 to 7 p.m. On Tuesday, there is no Bethel Plus. On Wednesday, BYF is 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and there is no Bible study. On Saturday, Aug. 12, ABGirls of Joy/ABGirls of Faith Back to School Party is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
JERSEY CHURCH: Services will be held at the Jersey Church on Jersey Hollow Road, SR 3003, between Ursina and Confluence, on Sunday, Aug. 13, at 7 p.m. Singers are Wanda and Kevin O’Brian. This is the first established church in the Turkeyfoot area (1775). A historical landmark, the first church meetings were held at the home of Moses Hall. The first church building was a two-story log building with a porch, constructed in 1788. It was also used as a schoolhouse. The second building was constructed in 1838. Fire destroyed this structure. The third and present church was built in 1877. The church is open once a year. Many of the members are buried in the lower cemetery.
LAUREL HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 327 Laurel Hill Road, Dunbar, three miles east of Route 51 toward Leisenring, worships Sunday at 10 a.m., when Pastor Bonnie Hartley gives the sermon “Bottom Line – Believe in Jesus!’ The church family picnic will be held immediately following worship.
LAUREL MOUNTAIN BAPTIST CHURCH, located one mile north of the Mason-Dixon Line, Route 381, worships Sunday at 10:30 a.m. For more information, phone 724-329-4707 or visit the Web site at The Rev. Dr. Michael George is pastor.
LOVE OUTREACH CHURCH, Village of Phillips on Peach Lane in Uniontown, will be in revival Saturday and Sunday at 7 p.m. with the Rev. Mitch Wall. Wall was born the son of a mill worker and raised in Fairhope, just south of Pittsburgh. He began an interest in music while very young. His parents gave him a guitar on his 14th birthday and he started taking lessons. By age 16, he was on the local country music circuit and began to develop his songwriting skills. On June 6, 1993, he attended the Billy Graham Crusade in Pittsburgh and attended the altar call. He then changed to country gospel music and began performing at local gospel sings. He developed his songwriting skills for gospel music and began to tour the Pittsburgh area. In 1996, he enrolled in the Mon Valley Bible Institute and Cornerstone Bible College. In 1999, Wall accepted the call to pastor a church and Morning Star Baptist Church was born. He still pastors the church.
The church will host a Labor Day Celebration on Monday, Sept. 4, with Rose Brietic of McKeesport, Darlene Coddington of Accident, Md., Tammy Gordan of Uniontown, Connie Myers of Nemacolin, Gail Perney of West Newton, Betty Riecks from Jefferson, Maryann Rhome from Duquesne and Paula Scott from Uniontown. There will be anointed messages, testimonies and gospel singing. Services begin at 2 p.m.
For more information, phone 724-438-LOVE (5683).
MASONTOWN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, located on the corner of Main and Cross streets, worships Sunday at 10 a.m. during the summer months. For more information about the church and its ministries, contact the pastor at 724-583-9207.
MCCLELLANDTOWN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Route 21, Church Hill, will celebrate Communion on Sunday during worship at 9:30 a.m. with the Rev. Andrew Slade. His sermon is titled “Love Is A Many Splendored Thing.’
MINISTREE will celebrate the release of their new CD project, “His Ministree,’ at a gospel extravaganza hosted by Npower Records in conjunction with the WomenNpower International Conference today and Saturday at the Radisson Hotel. They will appear Saturday at 6 p.m. at Expo Mart in Monroeville, adjacent to the Radisson Hotel. For ticket information, visit or contact Courtney Perrin at 412-657-0273. Tickets can be purchased at the door on the day of the event.
MOUNT CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH, Fairchance, is having a back to school bash on Saturday at noon. There will be food and activities, including face painting, popcorn and Sno-Cones.
The church announces a change in the 112th anniversary. It will be held on Sunday, Aug. 20, with Bishop Clifton McNair of the Word of Life Church in Erie. He will be accompanied by his praise team. Dinner will be served immediately following morning worship. Loretta Green Wiley is service coordinator. The Rev. Robert Crable is pastor.
MOUNT MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH, 30 Church St., Smithfield, worships Sunday at 8:30 a.m., led by Pastor Darrell Edgar with music by 70 Disciples. A time of fellowship and refreshments will follow. The 10:45 a.m. service will be led by the Rev. Jay Hurley, who will provide the sermon “Lessons From the Perfect Storm.’ Bo Zelmore will give his testimony. Music will be provided by Witness Jesus Band and the MMLT comprised of Mina Brown, Joanne Wilson and Karen Wilson. For more information, phone 724-569-4847.
MOUNT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH, 51 Stewart Ave., Uniontown, announces Mount Olivet Baptist Church and Youth Ministries continues its Second Annual Children and Youth Conference today at 7 p.m. with “Let Me Clear My Throat’ talk show with host David Winfrey and the Revs. Terry and Shelia Davis. On Saturday at 4:30 p.m., they will meet at the top of Pershing Court Manor for an Empowering a Generation Parade at 5 p.m. All churches are asked to participate and bring flags, banners and signs. The march will be from Pershing Court to Stewart Avenue. There is a 7 p.m. Saturday Night Jam Celebration.
NEW GENEVA BAPTIST CHURCH, Front Street, worships Sunday at 9:30 a.m., when the Rev. Robert J. Robinson delivers the message “Skipping Church.’ Marcellus Evans and Braedon and Hunter Moody will present special music. Children’s church is at 10 a.m. Discipleship classes will continue at 6 p.m.
NEW SALEM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 27 S. Mill St., worships Sunday at 11 a.m. The Rev. Norma Murphy will deliver the sermon “Good, Better, Best.’ Ushers for August are Hobie Carroll, Bob Stilwell, Mark Nagy and Tom Martin. Congregational greeters this Sunday are Paul and Lucille Carroll. A nursery is provided during worship for children 6 and under. Nursery attendants are Jen Chaikcic and Kristen Wingard. The church will hold its seventh annual Peach Fest on Saturday, Aug. 26, from 4 to 7 p.m. For more information, phone the church at 724-245-2200 or e-mail
OAK HILL BAPTIST CHURCH, 100 Old Frame Road, Smithfield, located off Smithfield-New Geneva Road, will hold its annual August Festival Flea Market and Antique Car Show on church grounds on Saturday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. From 3 to 8 p.m., a live band will perform during the antique car show. Call 724-569-5234 between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. for more information.
The church worships Sunday at 9 a.m. with the Rev. Philip Elliott, pastor, presenting the sermon. A nursery is provided. Fellowship will follow in the narthex. Children in third grade and younger attend Sunday school during morning worship and children’s church at 10:30 a.m. An old-fashioned hymn sing will be held this Sunday at 7 p.m. The For more information, phone 724-569-0722 or 724-583-9335.
PAYNE AFRICAN METH-ODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH in Connellsville, welcomes Gary Walker on Saturday at 6 p.m. A love offering will be taken at the door for kingdom building. For more information, contact the Rev. Acquanetta Osborne at 724-626-8503.
PERRYOPOLIS FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DOC), 307 Independence St., worships Sunday at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m., when the Rev. Michael Malone will deliver the message “Bread For the Soul.’ The church will have an ice cream social this Sunday at 6 p.m. Ice cream is provided. Bring your own toppings. Thrift shop is open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Pirate game is Friday, Aug. 11, and bus leaves at 5 p.m. Two seats are left. For more information, e-mail Malone at
PHILLIPS GOSPEL COFFEE HOUSE, located in the Village of Phillips on J.K. Packing Road in Uniontown, will be in concert with The Hays Family and New Generation from Ligonier. They perform Southern gospel, traditional hymns and country gospel. The group includes Dean and Dot “Gabby” Hays, their daughter Linda Dyekman, Dean and Dot’s niece Melissa Austin, Melissa’s husband and their son and daughter. Doors open at 7 p.m. Concert begins at 8 p.m. For more information, phone 724-438-5683.
PLEASANT VIEW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, located two miles west of Smock at the intersection of the Pleasant View and Royal roads, worships Sunday at 10 a.m. The Rev. Keith Conover will preach “Body By Jesus.’ Special music will be provided by bass soloist Harry Brooks. Acolytes will be Amy and Samantha Phillips. Small Talker wil be Sandy Leichliter. The celebration of Holy Communion will be included in worship.
Pleasant View is raising and selling bi-color sweet corn this summer to help special ministries of the church. There is a corn stand on the northbound side of Route 51 at the intersection with Laurel Hill Road. For more information on any activities, contact the church office at 724-677-2149.
POINT MARION UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, located on the corner of Route 119 and Broadway Street, worships Sunday at 10:30 a.m. The Rev. Karen Gray will preach a sermon titled “A Trinitarian Feast.’
ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF PITTSBURGH, which includes Greene and Washington counties, celebrates its fifth annual observance of Young Adult Sunday on Aug. 6. Parishes throughout the diocese will participate in the celebration that focuses on young people ages 18 to 40.
ROSCOE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 300 Main St., announces worshippers will celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion at Sunday’s 9:30 a.m. informal summer morning worship. The Rev. Dr. John Rankin will give the sermon “Access.’ Music will be provided by the instrumental duo of Tina Bolin on piano and Loretta Heverley on flute. Derek Quigley is worship greeter.
Following worship, there will be no coffee hour. Worshipers are asked to go to the Allenport Community Pavillion for the closing worship of the Community Vacation Bible School and Community Picnic. Gathering will begin at 10:30 a.m. for coffee, juice and conversation. The community service will begin at 11 a.m. with the picnic immediately following, hosted by the Vacation Bible School students and staff. Families are asked to bring their favorite covered dish for the picnic and for their comfort, their own lawn chairs.
SS. CYRIL AND METHODIUS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Fairchance, worships every weekend on Saturday at 6 p.m. and Sunday at 8 and 11 a.m. in Fairchance and 9:30 a.m. at the Chapel in Shoaf.
The church celebrates the Exposition of the Eucharist with Benediction every Wednesday from 7 to 8 p.m. On Monday, Aug. 14, a vigil Mass at 6 p.m. celebrates the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Chapel in Shoaf. On Tuesday, Aug. 15, the parish will celebrate Mass for the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary at 6 p.m. at Ss. Cyril and Methodius Church, 50 N. Morgantown St., Fairchance.
ST. GEORGE MARONITE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN UNIONTOWN announces its 60th Homecoming Festival will take place on Sunday, Aug. 13, on the church grounds at 6 Lebanon Terrace. The day will begin with an 11 a.m. Divine Liturgy concelebrated by Bishop Gregory J. Mansour and the Rev. Joseph R. David, pastor of St. George, in remembrance of the living an deceased members of the parish. Gregory will be honorary guest at this year’s celebration. In 2004, Pope John Paul II appointed him as the new bishop of the Maronite Eparchy of St. Maron in Brooklyn, N.Y. His connection here is that he served as the parish priest at St. George for 11 years prior to his appointment as vicar general to the Los Angeles Eparchy.
The homecoming festivities begin at noon and will include Middle Eastern cuisine, Lebanese music by Joseph Stephan of Cleveland plus music provided by George Kaiser. There will also be children’s games, entertainment, clowns, a specialty basket raffle, a variety of baked items, dancing and other activities.
With strong ties to the community, St. George proudly celebrates its 79th year. Special additions to the church and grounds include a beautiful Shrine to Our Lady with the Memorial Rosary Walk and Garden, the St. Rafka Memorial Shrine in honor of the living, deceased and honorary members of the Ladies Guild. For more information on the festival, contact St. George at 724-437-5589.
The annual pilgrimage to Our Lady of Lebanon National Shrine in North Jackson, Ohio, is set for Tuesday, Aug. 15. The bus leaves the church parking lot at noon. Advance reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis and are being taken now. Call Pat Rogers at 724-437-5854 or the rectory at 437-5589 for additional information.
ST. GEORGE SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH IN CARMICHAELS will be represented the Rev. Rodney Torbic, executive board president Stan Brozik and choir and Kolo president Sonia Janson at the Trienial Assembly of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the United States and Canada being held in Detroit Aug. 8-11. Representatives from Serbian Orthodox Churches throughout the United States, Canada, Brazil, Chile and Argentina will be in attendance to discuss matters of importance to the Church.
ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, 50 Jefferson Ave., Uniontown, will have “A Day of Prayer: For Our Lord Jesus Healing Of Our World’ on Thursday. Eucharistic adoration is from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Divine Chaplet is at 3 p.m. Rosary is at 6 p.m.
ST. JOSEPH ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, 201 Painter St., Everson, is having its 32nd Annual Summer Festival Aug. 11-13 on the parish grounds. Festival hours are 6 to 11 p.m. Friday, 5 to 11 p.m. Saturday and 4 to 10 p.m. Sunday. Saturday, there will be a Mass at 5 p.m. featuring the combined Polish choirs of St. Joseph along with the bell choir. For more information, e-mail or call 724-887-3718.
ST. PAUL’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, 71 N. Gallatin Ave., Uniontown, will have the distribution of Holy Communion on Saturday at 4 p.m. Quiet Hour Communion at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and at 7 p.m. at the Mountain Chapel, Christ Lutheran Church, at Chalk Hill. Holy Communion will also be distributed at 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. on Sunday at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church with the Rev. James P. Dorow, guest speaker, delivering the sermon. Nursery is available at the 10:45 a.m. service. For more information, call 724-437-9000 or e-mail at or visit the Web site at
ST. PETER’S CHURCH, a parish of the Anglican Communion, 60 Morgantown St., Uniontown, will celebrate Holy Eucharist on Sunday at 8 and 10:30 a.m. Serving as chalice bearers and lectors will be Robert Cimino, Cathy Dunn and Van Evans. Acting as crucifer-acolyte is Brennan Ruthardt. The Holy Eucharist and healing service will be held at noon on Wednesday. Altar Guild members for August are Carole King, Josephine Brownfield, Karen Kapel and Chris Zeigler. The Rev. Thomas R. Finnie is the rector. For further information on church activities, phone 724-438-7731 or visit the Web site
ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN CHURCH, EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH OF AMERICA, 121 Walnut Hill Road, Uniontown, worships Sunday with a service of Holy Communion at 9:30 a.m. An informal fellowship time will follow. A brief meeting of the congregation council will immediately follow worship. The Rev. Bernard W. Carl is pastor. For more information, phone 724-439-4730 or e-mail the pastor at
ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE PARISH PICNIC will be held on Sunday at St. Marcellus Church in Jefferson, beginning at 11:30 a.m. with games, crafts, D.J. music, Chinese auction and dinner at 4 p.m.
SMITHFIELD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, 20 Church St., announces Sunday worship is at 9 a.m., when the Rev. Karen Gray will deliver the sermon “A Trinitarian Feast.’ There is a prayer service Wednesday at 7 p.m.
SOLID ROCK APOSTOLIC PENTECOSTAL CHURCH, 3320 Old McClellandtown Road, McClellandtown, worships Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. and Wednesday at 7 p.m. There is a prayer service Friday at 7:30 p.m. There is prayer 45 minutes before each service. Bring a friend. Leslie Fuller is pastor. For more information, phone 724-785-3457.
SOLID ROCK MINISTRY – FAITH, HOPE, LOVE, 34 Millview St., Uniontown, announces Sunday fellowship is from 9 to 10 a.m. Sunday worship is at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Nursery is available at 11:30 a.m. for children age 1 to 6. Morning fellowship is offered Monday through Friday from 8 to 10 a.m. The food pantry is in operation Monday through Friday from 8 to 10 a.m. and by appointment. A free clothing giveaway is offered Monday through Friday from 8 to 10 a.m. There is also family Bible study Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 7 p.m. For more information, phone the Rev. Elmer “Buzz’ Hall at 724-880-4714.
SPRINGHILL FURNACE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 2459 Springhill Furnace Road on Route 857, worships Sunday at 9:30 a.m. with the Rev. Dr. George “Joey’ Hickok giving the message “Eyes on the Prize.’ This week’s greeter is Kelly Jarrett and liturgist is Ken Lindsey. Special music will be provided by soloist Nicky Fisher. The annual church picnic will be held on Sunday, Aug. 20 at noon. Bolivian Missionaries Church and Peggy Cunningham will have a mission presentation during 9:30 a.m. worship on Sunday, Aug. 27. Contact Renee Dillow at 724-564-0136 for more information regarding church activities.
STREETS OF GOLD MINISTRY presents Skyline Boys, a Southern gospel quartet from Manassas, Va., in concert at the First Assembly of God Church in Irwin on Saturday at 7 p.m. A love offering will be taken. For more information, phone 412-372-0110.
TENT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Route 119, south of Uniontown on Tent Church Road, announces the church picnic will be held on Saturday at 4 p.m. at the home of Linda Dillow. The church worships Sunday at 9:30 a.m., when Harry Wilson brings the message “Who Will Rescue Me?’ Refreshments will be served after worship. For more information, phone 724-564-2919.
THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 425 Union St., Uniontown, in the Craig Meadows neighborhood, will host a community picnic on Saturday at 5 p.m. with plenty of free food and fun games for all ages. Aug. 6 is Camp Sunday where campers and staff from “Summer’s Best Two Weeks’ day camp will lead worship and share testimonies at both the 9 a.m. contemporary service and the 11 a.m. traditional service. Childcare is available in a well-staffed nursery during worship. Crosswalk Wild Wednesday for junior and senior high students, meets Wednesday at 7 p.m. There is ample main-level parking and the sanctuary is air-conditioned. Call the church office at 724-438-2529 for directions and more information.
TRINITY UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, corner of Morgantown and West Fayette streets, Uniontown, worships Sunday at 11 a.m., when the Rev. Tom Ribar, chaplain at Waynesburg College, will be guest minister. Nancy Davis is liturgist. Large print bulletins and hearing devices are available during worship. A nursery is provided during the worship hour for children 5 and under. For more information on church ministries, visit the Web site
UNION BAPTIST CHURCH, New Salem, will celebrate Homecoming and Friends Day on Sunday at 3:30 p.m. Speaker for the afternoon service will be the Rev. Sheila Davis of Newness of Life Ministry in Monessen. Dinner will be served from 1 to 3 p.m. The Rev. Mary L. Baker is pastor. Chairwoman is Maxine Kirby.
UNIONTOWN CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN, 20 Robinson St., worships Sunday at 10:30 a.m. The Rev. A. Harrison Smith will bring the message “Turning Your World Upside Down.’ Interlude musician is Aaron Means and Clara Kendall is children’s storyteller. The “Together: Conversations on Being the Church’ study group continues in fellowship hall at 9:30 a.m. Nursery service for infants and preschoolers is available. For more information, phone the church at 724-438-8372 or the pastor at 724-425-1866.
UNIONTOWN CHURCH OF CHRIST, 70 Roosevelt Drive, worships Sunday at 10:30 a.m. with a message by a guest speaker. Sunday’s evening worship is at the church building at 6:30. There are services Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. For more information, phone 724-439-4747 or check the Web site at
WALNUT HILL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, 132 Collier Road, Uniontown, worships Sunday at 9:30 a.m. with the Rev. Arnold G. Husk. His sermon is “The Cup of The Covenant.’ The sacrament of Holy Communion will be shared. For more information on church activities, phone 724-430-0131.
WALTERSBURG CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, located about five miles north of Uniontown on Route 51, worships Sunday at 11 a.m. There is worship at 6 p.m. Wednesday at 6 p.m. is the Nazarene Missions International service conducted by Leona B. Huey. For more information, phone 724-677-2568. The Rev. Bruce B. Poling is pastor.
WHARTON FURNACE UNION CHURCH, located on the Wharton Furnace Road near Elliottsville, worships Sunday at 11 a.m. The Rev. David Wardman will bring the message “Worthy is the Lamb.’
Congregational greeters and ushers are Kevin Smithburger, Dan Wood and Jim Doughty. Adam Wardman will serve as acolyte. Gail Carlins, director of music ministries, accompanied by Jason King, will provide special music. Gary Livengood is worship leader. The service of Holy Communion will be held at the close of the service. The Left Behind Series will be shown at the church, Part 1 on Aug. 23 at 7 p.m. and Part 2, Tribulation Force on Aug. 30 at 7 p.m. For more information on church activities or to arrange transportation, phone the office at 724-329-4075 or 724-438-3109.
WHITE HOUSE FREE METHODIST CHURCH, located five miles south of Fairchance on Route 857 near Rich’s Garden Center, worships Sunday at 9:30 a.m. with the Rev. George McLaughlin as speaker. Special ministry in music is by Dixie Phillips and special ministry in song is by Bob Guzik. Instrumentalists are Paula Bennett and Jim Lynn. There will be no Sunday evening service. A nursery will be provided for all services. For more information, phone the church office at 724-564-4765.
YOUR BIBLE SPEAKS radio program will celebrate 30 years of radio ministry on WMBS 590 AM on Saturday at the Hilltop Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 535 Connellsville St., Uniontown. Guest speaker for the 11:30 a.m. service will be Elder Etta Calvert, assistant pastor or Rock of Faith Church in Pittsburgh. Host pastor is Dr. Bob Williams. Your Bible Speaks Radio Program is aired every Sunday from 9:10 to 10 a.m. with Elder Dorothy Boone as radio host. Your Bible Speaks radio ministry is supported by the public.
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF LAMBERTON will host the First Women of Ministry Revival, beginning at 7 p.m. on Aug. 21 with Minister Josephine Thompson of St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church in Uniontown, Aug. 22 with Minister Rosalyn Rose of Mount Ararat Baptist Church in Cardale; Aug. 23 with Minister Loretta Davis of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Bentleyville; Aug. 23 with Minister Lisa Crable of Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Fairchance; and Aug. 25 with Minister Sandra McClain of Mount Lebanon Baptist Church of Brownville. Officials said, “We welcome your choirs and congregation to strengthen our witness for Christ.’ The Rev. Beverly Harris is pastor. Deacon is Robert Ford.
PNC PARK WILL HOST IRISE BY THE RIVER’S EDGE CONCERT AND FESTIVAL on Saturday, Aug. 19, beginning at 10 a.m. The all-day event is presented by WORD-FM 101.5 Pittsburgh and features hit Grammy Award-winning Christian musical acts and motivational speakers. Artists scheduled to appear include Rebecca St. James, SONICFLOOD, Jars of Clay and Casting Crown and inspirational speaker J.R. Kerr of Wexford. Tickets are now on sale. For more information, phone 1-800-BUY-BUCS or go on-line at
ST. CECILIA/ST. HEDWIG CHRISTIAN MOTHERS OF GRINDSTONE AND SMOCK will sponsor “Pilgrimage to the South’ Oct. 23-28. Officials said, “Do you watch EWTN? Here is your chance to visit it.’ Pilgrimage features Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word, EWTN Chapel, Our Lady of the Angels Monastery, Abbey of Gethsemane, Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Bardstown, Ky., St. Joseph Proto-Cathedral, Ave Maria Grotto, Poor Clare Nuns. Tour includes deluxe motor coach transportation, five nights lodging, meals, admissions and shrine donations, daily Mass and prayer, pilgrimage coordinator. For more information, call Ron and Pat Kilgore at 724-677-2572, Mildred Shinsky at 724-677-4426 or Sophia Duratz at 724-785-7162.
SEE YOU AT THE POLE is a student-initiated and student-led movement that started in the Fort Worth suburb of Burleson, Texas, in 1990 and now includes millions of teenagers who pause to pray at their school flagpole. In 2005, more than 2 million teenagers met for See You at the Pole in all 50 states.
Internationally, reports came from countries on six continents, including the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Germany, Ghana, Guam, Hong Kong, Japan, Kenya, South Korea, Malaysia, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Scotland and South America. This year’s event is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 27, and carries the theme “Be Still and Know That I Am God.’
S.R.M. – FAITH, HOPE, LOVE – BREAD OF LIFE CHAPEL will have its first Sunday morning service on Aug. 20 at 9:30. The chapel is located at 341 Coolpsring St., Hopwood. It was the former Coolspring Methodist Church building. For more information, phone the Reeve. Elmer “Buzz’ Hall at 724-880-4714.
TOURS PLANNED: announces Monsignor Edward McCullough of the pilgrimage office of the Diocese of Greensburg will be spiritual director for a tour of Italy Oct. 1-9, visiting Rome, Vatican Assisi, Assisi and Montecassino. Participants will attend a papal audience. The Rev. Aaron Kriss will lead a tour to Germany, Austria and Bavaria Dec. 3-11, visiting Munich, Rothenberg, Heidelberg, Salzburg and Frankfurt. For a detailed packet, call 1-800-242-0728 or fax 724-543-2938 or write 101 West High St., Kittanning 16201, or email and include your mailing address. Space is limited.