Livestock auctions, crop sales
The following are results from area livestock and crop sales. Pennsylvania Livestock Market Report for Waynesburg for Aug. 17 is as follows:
STOCK COWS: 45 to 67.50.
SLAUGHTER COWS: Utility and commercial, 48-59; boner and boning utility, 47-54.50; cutter and boning utility, 41-52; canner and low cutter, 37 to 44.50; shells, 37 down.
BULLS: Yield grade 1, 1,500-2,000 pounds, 52-70. Yield grade 2, 1,000-1,400 pounds, 52-78.
FEEDER STEERS: Medium and light, 1, 300-500 pounds, 100-138; 250-280 pounds, 110-145; 600-900 pounds, 75-112.
HEIFERS: Medium and light, 1, 300-500 pounds, 90-127; light 1, 400-650 pounds, 75 to 115.
BULLS: Medium and light, 1, 300-620 pounds, 77-136.
CALVES: Veal…prime, 70-115; choice, 60-84; good, 40-84.
FARM CALVES: No. 1 Holstein bulls, 90-120 pounds, few 65-145; No. 2, 80-100 pounds, few 50-85. Beef, bulls and heifers/head, 35-155.
HOGS: Barrows and gilts, 1-2, 210-255 pounds, 35-57; 2-3, 255-280 pounds, 35-45.50. Sows, 1-3 300-500 pounds, 24-34.50.
FEEDER PIGS: 1-3, 15-20 pounds, 12 to 28/head; 1-3, 25-35 pounds, 15 to 46/head.
LAMBS: High choice, 80-100 pounds, 75-105; choice, 40-75 pounds, 55-110. Feeder lambs, good, 50-95; sheep, 28-50; fat sheep, 19.50-27.50.
GOATS: Large, 85 to 115/head; medium, 50 to 90/head; small 8 to 41/head.
HORSES: Horses, 20 to 53; ponies, 20 to 42.
Eighty Four Livestock Auction results from Aug. 14:
CATTLE: 295, (PDA), Compared with last week’s sale, slaughter cows sold steady to 2 higher; slaughter bulls were steady.
STEERS: Standard 1-2, couple 68 and 69.
HEIFERS: Standard 1-2, one 63.50.
COWS: Breakers, 75-80 percent lean, 50.50-56.50; 80-85 percent lean, 47.50-52.50; lean, 85-90 percent lean, 43-49.50; shells, 42 and down.
BULLS: Yield grade 1, 1,235 and 1,340 pounds, 62.50-70. Yield grade 2, 1,035-1,870 pounds, 58.50-59.50.
STEERS: Medium and large 1, 310-450 pounds, 115-135; 525-650 pounds, 107-116. few medium and large 2, 330-440 pounds, 107-112.50.
HEIFERS: Medium and large 1, 320-470 pounds, 113-128; 560-625 pounds, 101-106. Medium and large 2, 410-485 pounds, 90-109; 500-570 pounds, 90-96.
BULLS: Medium and large 1, 385-475 pounds, 114-125; 550-585 pounds, 107-111; medium and large 2, 315-470 pounds 100-113.
CALVES 191: (calves sold per hundredweight) Holstein bulls sold steady to 10 lower.
VEALERS: Standard and good, 75-125 pounds, 45-80; Jersey 50-65 pounds, 10-50.
FARM CALVES: No. 1 Holstein bulls, 90-110 pounds, 165-200; 80-85 pounds, 160-180. No. 2, 80-115 pounds, 100-160, weaker calves to 90. No. 1 Holstein Heifers, 95-115 pounds, 375-470; No. 2, 75-100 pounds 170-325. Beef cross bulls and heifers, 70-115 pounds, 150-23; 150-280 pounds 120-147.
HOGS 12: Barrows and Gilts, 45-50 percent lean, 205-250 pounds, 40-42.50; 40-45 percent lean, 270-295 pounds, 40.50-41.50. Boars, one, 710 pounds, 10.
FEEDER PIGS: No market test.
SLAUGHTER LAMBS: High choice and prime, 115-125 pounds, 63-68; choice, 60-75 pounds, 95-105. Good and choice, 40-50 pounds, 97.50-102.50.
GOATS 42…sold by the head with weights actual.
KIDS: Selection 2, 40-60 pounds, 50-60; 60-80 pounds, 70-80. Selection 3, 20-40 pounds, 17.50-22.50; 40-60 pounds, 35-45.
NANNIES: two, 71 pounds, 50; two, 100 pounds, 69.
The Market News Service Grain Market Summary for Western Pennsylvania for Aug. 14 follows:
Corn number 2, 2.10-2.50, (few reported at 1.85), average 2.34; wheat number 2, 2.64-3.10, average 2.81; barley number 3, 1.75, average 1.75; oats number 2, 1.25-1.70 average 1.46; soybeans number 2, 5.08-5.35, average 5.22; and ear corn, 68-71, average 69.67.
The Hay Market Summary for Aug. 12, for Central Pennsylvania follows:
Alfalfa, 80 to 120; mixed hay, 75 to 135; timothy, 75 to 130; straw, 70 to 110; and ear corn, 75 to 92.