Local briefs
Grants offered State Sen. Richard A. Kasunic (D-Dunbar) said $4 million in grant money is available to help senior centers improve facilities and services.
“I urge area senior citizens to look into this funding opportunity,” Kasunic said. “This is a great opportunity to upgrade and bolster their facilities and important services.”
Kasunic said the grant application deadline is Sept. 22.
Senior centers wishing to apply can obtain additional information by contacting the Department of Aging on its Web site, www.aging.state.pa.us
, or by calling 717-783-6207. Information also is available on the Pennsylvania Senior Centers’ Web site, www.paseniorcenters.org.
Kasunic said grants awarded to senior centers would be divided into two categories: capital assistance projects and the capacity building projects. Assistance projects will receive up to $200,000, while building projects will receive up to $10,000.
Tour planned
Laurel Highlands Middle School will hold a self-guided tour from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday and Friday. Homerooms will posted.