Doris Felton of Hopwood and Wayne E. Clawson of Ruffsdale were united in marriage. The Rev. Blair McCauley of Ocala, Fla., brother of the bride, officiated at the ceremony on April 22 at Whyel Chapel at Jumonville.
The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Ed McCauley of New Florence.
Carol Stewart of Homer City, daughter of the bride, was maid of honor. Victoria and Emily Siwula of McDonald, granddaughters of the bridegroom, were flower girls.
Best man was Larry Dennis. Ushers were Brent Stewart of Homer City, son-in-law of the bride, and Brenton McCauley of New Florence, nephew of the bride.
Michael Siwula of McDonald, grandson of the bridegroom, was ring bearer.
A reception was held at the Sons of Italy in Uniontown.
The bride is a graduate of Laurel Valley High School.
The bridegroom is a graduate of South Huntingdon High School and is employed with BAE Systems.
The couple honeymooned at Niagara Falls.
They reside at 236 Virginia Lane, Hopwood.