Law & order
July 3, 2006 Luzerne Twp.
Cable stripped
State police said someone stole approximately $6,000 in welding cable from a Brownsville Marine Products storage building in Brownsville and stripped the insulation off the cable to obtain the copper inside sometime between 10:30 p.m. Tuesday and 1:30 a.m. Wednesday.
Perry Twp.
Gasoline stolen
Someone pumped $25 worth of gasoline into his or her vehicle while at the Honeybear service station on Route 51 and drove off without paying Friday, state police reported.
Coal Center
Man charged
William Hiles, 28, of Daisytown was charged with simple assault after he allegedly hit Stacy Hiles, 28, of Uniontown in the face during a domestic dispute at a 116 Back St. residence at 12:15 p.m. Friday, state police said. Police said William Hiles was placed in Washington County Prison on a $5,000 bond.
Redstone Twp.
Juveniles cited
State police said two juveniles were cited after they allegedly stole items from Dollar General Store sometime Thursday.
Upper Tyrone Twp.
Charges filed
State police said James Warburton of Mount Pleasant and Nathan Mountain of Connellsville were charged after both were involved in road-rage type incident on Route 119 Friday.
Perry Twp.
Man injured
State police said John Trussell of Grindstone sustained serious injuries after he crashed his motorcycle on Perry Road at 8:53 p.m. Saturday. Police said Trussell was not wearing a helmet and was flown to Allegheny General Hospital. No further information was available.
Luzerne Twp.
Man jailed
State police said Arthur Crawford, 43, of Hiller was placed in Fayette County Prison on a $10,000 bond after he allegedly punched Jaycie Crawford, 37, of New Salem in the mouth. Police said the incident occurred at 2:40 p.m. Saturday at a Fifth Street, Hiller, residence.
Woman charged
Dorothy Berish of 187 N. Gallatin Ave., Uniontown, was charged with public drunkenness following an incident at a Millview Street residence at 8:26 p.m. Saturday, city police reported.
Warrant issued
City police said Mika Deshields of 1 Vance St., Uniontown, was taken into custody on an arrest warrant following an incident in the city at 2:49 a.m. Sunday.
Charges filed
Eugene Pratt, 46, of Masontown was charged with carrying a firearm without a license and two counts of possession of a controlled substance at 3:27 a.m. Saturday. Police said officers were patrolling the area of Fayette Street when they observed Pratt bumping into curbs while operating his vehicle and conducted a traffic stop, at which time illegal items were discovered.