
Bullskin Twp. man sues county

By Jennifer Harr 3 min read

The founder of the Bullskin Township Church of Universal Love and Music has filed a federal suit claiming that Fayette County officials stifled his religious freedoms when they failed to approve zoning for the facility. Filed last week on behalf of William D. Pritts in U.S. District Court in Pittsburgh, the suit asks for an injunction to allow the church to operate. The suit asks the court to find that, under the constitution, disallowing the church infringes upon tenant of religious freedom. The suit also asked for monetary damages, including the reimbursement of legal fees.

Named as defendants are the county, the office of planning zoning and development, the zoning hearing board, various members of both entities and the county commissioners.

The battle between Pritts and the county has been going on for some time. Township residents near the facility, which held concerts in the past, complained about the noise level. After several court battles, and turned down requests for special exceptions to operate the church, Pritts agreed to cease the concerts.

The suit asked that a federal judge grant Pritts a special exception for a semi-public use to hold religious events and assemblies on the Bullskin Township land.

“Defendants’ actions substantially burden … religious exercise and would effectively destroy (the church) if (the church) is prevented from holding its religious events and assemblies,” the suit indicated.

The suit indicated that the church has existed informally for over 20 years. In 2002, the Church of Universal Love and Music was organized and incorporated as a non-profit organization. The suit stated that that the church is “a vibrant and diverse religious community with over 200 hundred members experiencing growth rates of approximately 16 percent annually.”

A 40- by 56-foot pavilion and a 50- by 100-foot clear standing canopy are on the grounds, according to the suit. Up until recently, part of the church’s services included outdoor concerts and festivals.

The suit cited a court order that has prohibited “further events of any type, religious or commercial.” That is in violation of freedom of religion, the suit alleged.

“Until they were enjoined by the Defendants from doing so, CULM held numerous religious services and events for adults and children, including religious concerts, worship services, fellowship programs, ecstatic dancing and numerous other religious activities and has done so since 1985,” the suit indicated.

The suit indicated an ordained minister, the Rev. Larry Newel, officiates over regular worship ceremonies. Children who are members also participate in spiritual education and worship services, the suit indicates.

By upholding the court to cease and desist concerts on church ground, “defendants will destroy (the church’s) religious expression, preventing its members from engaging in religious worship and association,” the suit claimed.

William D. and Alexandra J. Pritts founded the church in 1994, when they conducted services at their Acme home for 80 members. In 10 years, the membership quadrupled, according to the suit.

The suit explained the church’s beliefs this way:

“As its name implies, CULM’s religious and spiritual focus is on universal love and music and is in large part mystical. It is the CULM’s belief that no dogma is necessary to honor the Earth and our place in it,” the suit indicated.

“CULM’s mission to advance religion through music and to provide a spiritual resource for all is regardless of race, ethnicity or any other characteristics. CULM seeks to create an environment to improve communities and the world by espousing a message of unity, love and appreciation of music spirituality as well as nature and our place in it.”


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