to register. THE OAKS at Center in the Woods, Route 88, California, will hold a flea market and bake sale from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Proceeds benefit activity and program fund.
THE CONNELLSVILLE AIRPORT FLYING CLUB will hold a flea market under the roof of the new terminal parking area. Public is invited. Vendors are needed. To place reservations, call 724-628-3729 or 724-331-6832.
JACOBS CREEK LUTHERAN CHURCH, Masontown, will hold a hymn sing and ice cream social at 6 p.m. Sunday. Cones, sundaes, floats and more will be available. Proceeds benefit both Fayette and Greene County Relay for Life. For more information, call 724-583-9040.
CALVARY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, 34 Clark St., Uniontown, is holding a spaghetti dinner Saturday from 4 to 7 p.m. Take-out dinners will be available. For more information, call 724-437-6341.
ALLISON 1 VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT will meet at 2 p.m. Sunday.