Law and Order
Franklin Twp. Cars collide
State police said vehicles driven by Bernard Veschio, 55, no address given, and Laura Vandivner, 18, no address given, collided on Route 51 at 11 p.m. Tuesday. Vandivner suffered minor injures in the crash and was taken to Uniontown Hospital for treatment, police said. Veschio suffered extensive injuries after his vehicle rolled over during the crash entrapping him. He was taken to University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Presbyterian Hospital for treatment, police said.
Redstone Twp.
Copper stolen
Louis Johnson, no address given, told state police that copper pipes were stolen from his 24 Redstone St. property sometime last weekend, police said.
Upper Tyrone Twp.
Two cars crash
Vehicles operated by Robert Patik of Scottdale and Shaun Kenny of Aliquippa crashed on Route 119 at McClure Road at 2:40 p.m. Wednesday, state police said. Kenny and an 11-year-old passenger suffered minor injuries in the crash, police said.
Redstone Twp.
Cash stolen
State police said cash and other items were stolen from Jackson’s Farms Dairy Store on Route 40 after someone broke into the building through the roof between 12:15 and 1:30 a.m. Thursday.