Community calendar – July 11
UNIONTOWN HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1966 will hold its 40th-year reunion on July 22. For more information, call 724-437-19765 or 724-437-4027. APOSTOLIC LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH, Smithfield, will hold a rummage and hoagie sale Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
GOOD SAMARITAN QUILTERS are continuing its Project Linus project, making blankets, quilts and afghans for survivors of Hurricane Katrina. Anyone wishing to help may call 724-439-1780 for more information.
ST. JOHN ALTAR SOCIETY of Perryopolis will receive communion at the 8:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday. Rosary will be recited at 7:45. The picnic will be held on July 20 at Sokol’s pavilion. Officers are serving the social committee.
POLISH HERITAGE CLUB OF UNIONTOWN will hold its annual Majowka (picnic) on Aug. 17 at 6 p.m. at Cedarbrook Golf Course at Rostraver. Reservations may be made with Helen Sobek at 724-326-4282 or Cathy Duhon at 724-439-4406. The annual Polish Day at Kennywood Park is on Aug. 1. A pilgrimage trip Aug. 26-27 to Philadelphia and Doylestown is planned. Reservations are being taken at 724-725-3655.