Road closures ahead for North Union
NORTH UNION TWP. – Traffic on Route 51 will be restricted to one lane in each direction from the last week in July through mid-November in the Mon-Fayette Expressway, Route 43, construction project, township supervisors said Tuesday. Both southbound lanes from the shopping plaza to the Route 51 bridge will be closed on July 25 or 26 and traffic will be restricted to one lane in each direction on the northbound lanes until the middle of November, Supervisor Robert Tupta said.
Tupta said lane closings are needed because the contractor is removing half of the Route 51 bridge over Route 119.
The area of Route 119 under the Route 51 bridge will be closed over the July 29-30 weekend when the bridgework will be done, he said. Detours will be posted.
The southbound lanes will be reconstructed during the closure and the Route 51 bridge will be replaced, representatives from the contractor and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission said at a meeting last month when they outlined the project.
Tupta also said construction of the new Northgate Highway, which will run from Route 51 at Confer Drive to Route 40 at the Fan Hollow Road/Duck Hollow Road intersection, will be completed in August 2007.
In unrelated business, the supervisors unanimously agreed to lease a narrow strip of property the township owns in the Mount Braddock Industrial Park to Universal Well Service for $1 a year for 50 years.
Supervisor Curtis Matthews said Fay-Penn Economic Development Council helped bring the company to the park.
He said the company, which services natural gas wells, will have 30 or 40 “family-sustaining jobs” available when it opens in November.
In another matter, Matthews said the state Department of Environmental Services has reimbursed the township $5,759 to pay for some of the expenses of the township’s on-lot sewage inspector from 2005.
He said the inspector’s total expenses were $14,478.
In other business, the supervisors:
– Said they will use the $3,000 the township received from Fayette County’s liquid fuels allocation to help offset the cost of this year’s street resurfacing project.
– Announced that they applied for one state grant to purchase equipment for Eberly and Mount Braddock parks and another grant for the township’s recycling program.