Uniontown woman charged with stabbing man in leg
A Uniontown woman was jailed after she allegedly stabbed a man in the leg with a knife at a Wayne Street location early Tuesday. Betty J. Miller, 41, of 71 Wayne St. was charged with aggravated assault, simple assault, reckless endangering another person, harassment, resisting arrest and driving after imbibing after the 1:37 a.m. stabbing of Henry Crawford.
Uniontown police investigated the incident after receiving a report of a female in a large, black vehicle attempting to run over a male on Wayne Street.
Crawford told police that he and Miller were in an argument before the stabbing occurred and that Miller attempted to run him over with a vehicle – a black, full-size Lincoln, according to a criminal complaint filed in the case.
When police arrived, they saw the car headed west on Wayne Street and Crawford was pointing to the car and yelling to police, “That’s the car,” according to the complaint.
Police saw Miller exit the vehicle and go onto the porch of the Wayne Street residence and close the door, ignoring police requests to stop, according to the complaint.
Police called for an ambulance for Crawford, who was bleeding from the stab wound, and then went to the door of the residence and advised Miller to get out of the house, according to the complaint.
She refused, so police entered the home, the complaint states.
A struggle ensued when police attempted to arrest her.
When an officer advised Miller she was under arrest, she pulled away and swung her left arm at him. During the struggle, Miller was screaming profanities and continued to swing and jerk away from police, the complaint states.
Police placed Miller on the floor and took her into custody, according to the complaint.
Police also alleged that Miller had a strong odor of alcohol on her breath and glassy, bloodshot eyes, and yelled additional profanities at police. She submitted to a blood-alcohol test on Tuesday and the sample was sent to the state police crime lab for testing.
Miller was placed in the Fayette County Prison on $50,000 straight cash bond awaiting a preliminary hearing. The hearing is set for 2:30 p.m. Tuesday in the office of Magisterial District Judge Mark Blair.