California Fire Department concerned about traffic
CALIFORNIA – The California Fire Department is in the process of moving into a new building at the top of Wood Street, but concerns arose at the regular borough council meeting Thursday evening about traffic surrounding the area. Mayor Casey Durdines said the fire department requested a stop sign at either end of Ellsworth Street to prevent any accidents from occurring during a fire call.
Solicitor Keith Melenyzer questioned the type of postings and where they could be posted.
Vice President Patsy Alfano suggested a warning sign instead of a stop sign, and Artie Harris, former council president, suggested a traffic light with a steady red light that the fire department could use to stop traffic during emergency situations.
“I applaud the efforts of the firemen to get as much safety up there, but you can’t just put stop signs up wherever you want,” Melenyzer said. “There’s no question about the need for something. We just have to figure out what.”
President Jon Bittner, a California firefighter, was absent from the meeting.
Council tabled the motion and the mayor agreed to investigate the matter further.
Council also discussed the possibility of arming borough police officers with Tasers. Durdines said he wanted to schedule a time for council to view an instructional DVD about the alternative form of defense.
Melenyzer said liability is a concern with tasers and council had considered arming officers with Tasers several years ago. Harris said council dropped the subject because of lawsuits associated with the devices. The mayor said he still wanted to research the possibility, however. California Borough Constables began carrying tasers in April.
Council also conducted the following business:
– Agreed to meet with Centerville Borough at their request to informally discuss sewage plans at 5 p.m. Tuesday, July 18, in California Borough chambers.
– Voted to have Larry Franks appraise for possible sale the borough-owned property located at 315 Ash St.
– Voted to end towing with M. Mark Towing and approved Weld Towing as their new tower.
– Tabled a motion to make an agreement with Mid-Mon Valley Transit Authority about bus shelters.
– Agreed to pay Iron City Uniform to clean the borough building carpets at $62.50 a month.
– Council continued the regular meeting until Tuesday, July 18, at 6 p.m.