Young adults recognized for service
Bishop Lawrence E. Brandt will honor and recognize 67 young adults, including several local residents, for their exemplary service to parish youth ministry in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Greensburg at the Parish Youth Honors and Recognition Mass Sunday at 3 p.m. in the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral in Greensburg. Fourteen will receive youth honors and 53 will receive recognition for participation in youth ministry. They were selected by a diocesan committee of youth ministry leaders that reviewed more than 70 nominations from diocesan clergy and youth leaders.
Those receiving youth honors include Jeremy David Balchak of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Mary Parish in Leckrone. He is the son of Barry and Kathleen Balchak of Masontown and a graduate of Albert Gallatin Area Senior High School.
The honorees also include Christopher W. Fiano of St. Rita Parish in Connellsville. He is the son of Christopher and Jane Fiano of Connellsville and a graduate of Geibel Catholic High School.
Those being acknowledged for meritorious participation in youth ministry in their parishes include: Elizabeth A. Bartholow, St. Rita Parish, Connellsville; Angela Berardinelli, St. Rita Parish, Connellsville; Brandon Bryan, St. John the Evangelist Parish, Uniontown; Matthew T. Cavalcante, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Mary Parish, Leckrone; Benjamin Chambers, St. Therese, Little Flower of Jesus Parish, Uniontown; Craig Herring, St. Joan of Arc Parish, Farmington; Sara Inks, Ss. Cyril and Methodius Parish, Fairchance; Janet L. Koposko, Ss. Cyril and Methodius Parish, Fairchance; Hadley E. Krizner, St. Mary (Nativity) Parish, Uniontown; Ashley M. Kuchno, St. Mary (Nativity) Parish, Uniontown; Philip J. Lucostic, Holy Rosary Parish, Republic; Katherine Macioce, St. Therese, Little Flower of Jesus Parish, Uniontown; Kyle Markwardt, St. Joan of Arc Parish, Farmington; Chelsea Onesi, St. Therese, Little Flower of Jesus Parish, Uniontown; and Chad Stirling, St. John the Evangelist Parish, Uniontown.
Brandt said the honorees demonstrate meritorious character and “are exceptional in so many ways.’ He commended their contributions, ministries and witness to the Catholic faith.
“They are an inspiration to their peers and to others,’ said Brandt. “Hopefully, this recognition will affirm them in who they are and be encouragement to them to be witnesses to Jesus Christ in a world that will be increasingly difficult.’
Brandt said the Mass will afford him an opportunity to thank the youth and all those who have influenced them, especially parents and teachers.
According to Mary Ann Gubish, diocesan acting-director of the Office for Faith Formation, the many components of faith formation serve Catholics from birth until death. Youth ministry plays only one part in the faith journey.
“They (formation ministries) are all a part of the fabric of the seamless garment of lifelong faith formation,’ she said. “You hope these young people will continue this effort of leadership when they become parents, become older and continue their involvement in the parish.’