Chamber of Commerce to hold workshop
The Fayette Chamber of Commerce, in partnership the National Road Heritage Corridor and the Laurel Highlands Visitors Bureau, has announced an upcoming workshop titled “Capitalize Our Assets … Preserve Our Future”. The daylong workshop, which will be held Monday, Sept. 18, is designed to develop a strategy to protect and enhance the area’s natural, cultural, historic and heritage assets. The workshop is designed specifically for the tourism industry and related heritage organizations whose focus is to advance one of the county’s leading industries. The session also will serve as an update and revision of the former Fayette County Tourism Summit.
Those attending will work to address key issues and elements that will contribute to the sustainability and growth of tourism, an important economic generator. The strategy developed will move forward with action steps to a newly formed Tourism Alliance, which will then take on the responsibility of advancing the elements of the plan (in partnership with appropriate agencies and organizations) to implementation.
Topics to be discussed include: land use and zoning, visitor readiness, marketing and caring for public spaces, as well as other related subjects. An expert in a related field will facilitate each work group.
The workshop will held at the Summit Inn on Route 40 in Uniontown. The event will begin promptly at 8:30 a.m. and conclude at 3:30 p.m. There is a cost, which also will cover lunch and related workshop materials.
Registration forms can be downloaded at a href=” end
or are available by calling the Fayette Chamber of Commerce at 724-437-4571 or the National Road Heritage Corridor at 724-437-9877.