
Senior citizen’s schedule

7 min read

Uniontown UNIONTOWN SENIOR CENTER – 137 N. Beeson Blvd., Uniontown; phone 724-439-5910. Meals on Wheels – The Uniontown Center is in need of volunteers to deliver homebound meals to the elderly shut-ins, one hour, one day a week. Call 724-437-6050, ext. 243.

Available every day: A chance to socialize and meet new friends; volunteer opportunities; cards and pool table, dartball, center activities 8:30-11:30, 12:30-4:30 except during scheduled programs.

Also available daily are walking program; Variety Fair Store, open 10 a.m.-noon, 12:30-1:30 p.m. daily; 11:30, announcements as needed.

Daily activities: Monday, quickie cover-all bingo, 10, 500 card bit, 11:45, mobility exercise w/Kassie, 1, 500 card bid, 1, dartball practice, line dancing; Tuesday; tip board, 9:30, quilting bee, 11:45 mobility exercise with Kassie, 1, bingo, 6, Alzheimer’s Support group; Wednesday, quickie cover-all bingo, 10:30, day of champions celebration; 11:45, mobility exercise with Kassie, 1, Grandma Honey’s Singers and dancers rehearsal; Thursday, tip board, 10, sing-a-long w/Sylvia, 11:45, mobility exercise w/Kassie, 1, bingo; Friday, quickie cover-all bingo, 10:30, line dancing tapes, 11:45, mobility exercise with Kassie, 1, dartball.

FAIRCHANCE CENTER IN THE BANK – 67 W. Church St., Fairchance, Pa., 15436; 724-564-0600.

Daily Activities: Monday, daily activities; Tuesday, 10, bingo, Prime Time Health w/Carol “Food Safety”; Friday, 10, bingo,


THE CONNELLSVILLE AGING PROGRAM – 100 E. Fayette St., Connellsville, phone 724-626-1515.

Blood pressure will be taken every second and fourth Wednesday.

Call in no later than 9:30 to reserve your lunch for that day. We are looking for drivers to deliver meals in town area. We pay mileage. Call 724-626-1515. Our satellites meet on the following days: Everson – 3rd Wednesday at noon; Normalville – 3rd Wednesday at noon; White – 3rd Tuesday at noon.

If you are looking for a good time, come down and join the Senior Tigers dart league. We play Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9:30 a.m.

Albert Gallatin is at the center every fourth Monday to take blood pressure, 9-11 a.m.,

Daily activities: Monday, 9, pool, 11, morning bingo, 11, FACA Picnic at Yough Park 11:30, lunch, 1, cards; Tuesday, afternoon bingo is canceled, 9, pool, 10:30, Miracle Ear Screening/Hearing aid cleaning, 11, morning bingo, 11:30, lunch, 1, bingo; Friday, 9, pool, 9:30, darts, pool.

Beauty Shop open for appointments except Wednesday, call 626-0845.

Mountain Area

MOUNTAIN CITIZENS ACTION GROUP INC. – P.O. Box 105, Farmington, Pa., 15437, 724-329-4260.

Dailey Activities: Monday, trip to Pechin’s and Uniontown Mall; Tuesday, daily activities; Wednesday, daily activities; Thursday, daily activities, 11, Prime Time health w/Carol “Food Safety”, 1, dime bingo; Friday, shopping trip to Uniontown, bingo, 6, kitchen, 6:30, early bird, 7, bingo.

Bullskin Twp.

BULLSKIN SENIOR CENTER – 52 Medsger Road, Connellsville, Pa., 15425; phone 724-887-0655.

Daily Activities: Monday, 9 crafts, 10:30 PEPPI, 1, group singing; Tuesday daily activities, CSFP distribution at Connellsville SC; Wednesday, bingo, 12:45, early bird, 1, regular, 10-2 kitchen open; Thursday, 8:30, painting class, 10, care and share, 1, group singing, 12-2 representative Stairs Office; Friday, computer classes Saturday as scheduled.


BETH-CENTER SENIOR CENTER – 316 Station St, Vestaburg, PA 15368, 724-377-0000.

Daily Activities: Monday, 9-11:30, cards/puzzles/TV, 11:30, lunch, noon, humor, 12:30, coverall bingo; Tuesday, 9:30, sewing lap robes, 11:30, blood pressures w/Helene, 11:30, lunch, noon, humor, PM cards; Wednesday, 10:15, Bible study, 11:30, lunch, 12:30-3:15, bingo; Thursday, daily activities; Friday, daily activities; Saturday, 9:30, oil painting Class, 1, brown bag/cards bring your own lunch.

New visitors to the center can call by 9:30 a.m. to make lunch reservations. Meals on Wheels runners, drivers and substitutes are desperately needed to deliver Meals on Wheels to our area shut-ins. Anyone interested in volunteering can contact Jerie at the center at 724-377-0000.


130 Woodland Court, Brownsville, Pa. 15417, phone, 724-938-3554.

Daily Activities: Monday, 7, walking club, 8, beauty shop, 9, piano, ceramics, massage, swim, 10:30, watercolor, 11, blood pressures, 11:15, music w/Judy, 1, German club, bridge/500, piano, 6, beg. guitar, 7, beg. Banjo, Hatha Yoga; Tuesday, 7, walking club, 8, beauty shop, 9, silversneakers, swim, massage, 11, Peppi strength training; 1, news and views, bingo, bridge/500, dartball; Wednesday, 7, walking club, 8, beauty shop, 9, swim, 10:30, Bible study, 1, bridge/500, 3, basket guild; Thursday, 7, walking club, 8, beauty shop, 9, swim, silver sneakers, 10, helping hands, 10:30, intro to PC, 11, peppi, strength training, blood pressures, 1, bingo, bridge/500, advanced strings jam; Friday, 7 walking club, 8, beauty shop, 9, swim, massage, 11, dining room bingo, 1, dartball, Bible study.


Available each day: crafts, cards, darts, billiards, exercise and fellowship, noon, lunch.

Daily activities: No Schedule Available, Monday, 10:30, Bible Study, 12:30, bingo; Tuesday, 12:30, bingo; Wednesday, 10:15, exercise, 12:30, bingo; Thursday, 11, games, 12:30, bingo; Friday, 12:30, dartball.


Meal served at noon Tuesdays only. For more information call 724-324-5396.

Daily activities: Tuesday, daily activities, 10-noon, food vouchers.


Daily activities: Dartball; 9:30-10:30, shuffleboard; 10:30-11:00, bingo; 11:00-11:30, lunch 11:30. For more information, call 724-966-2290.

Activities provided by the center include: cable television, books, magazines, cards and puzzles. These are available from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Daily activities: Monday, daily activities, Prime Time Health program “Heat and Sunstroke”; Tuesday, daily activities; Wednesday, daily activities, Prime Time Health program “Relaxation Therapy”, Prime Time Health Program “Blood Pressure Screening”; Thursday daily activities; Friday, Computer class, dance 7:30-11.


Meal served daily at noon. For more info, call 724-377-1144.

Daily activities: Monday, daily activities; Tuesday, bring a Friend Day; Wednesday, daily activities; Thursday, daily activities; Friday, Sing-a-long.


Meals served at 11:30 (Wednesday only) For more info, call 724-966-2290.

Daily activities: Wednesday, daily activities, Prime Time health program “RediSave”.


Daily activities: 8-9:30, coffee club, computer games and walking, 8:30; History Hour, 12:30-2; televised educational programs, noon, meal.

For more information, call 724- 324-5396.

Daily activities: Monday, daily activities, 10-noon, food vouchers; Tuesday, daily activities; Wednesday, 11:30, bingo; Thursday, daily activities; Friday, bingo.


Daily activities: 9, one-hour walk through the park, 9-2, quilting, 11:45, meal, morning bingo, dartball. For more information, call 724-627-6366.

Daily activities: Monday, exercise class; Tuesday, daily activities, Prime Time Health program “Redi Save”; Wednesday, exercise; Thursday, daily activities; Friday, exercise.

Painting Class every Tuesday 12:30-2:00 pm; German Class second and fourth Thursday every month 12:30-2:00pm.


Center open 10:00-3:00 (Thursdays only). Meal served at noon. For more info, call 724-627-6366.

Daily activities: Thursday, daily activities, Prime Time Health program “Heat and Sunstroke”; Prime Time Health program “Blood Pressure Screening”.


291 Banning Road, Dawson; phone 724-529-2930

Daily activities: Monday, 6:45 p.m., evening bingo; Tuesday, 6 p.m., pickin & grinnin’ musicians and spectators welcome; Wednesday, 8 a.m., cards, 10, dartball, noon, lunch, 1, cards, 1st Wednesday monthly business meeting, 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, DHS catered lunch, 2nd Wednesday, meal prepared by Linda Cottom and Jean Knox, 4th Wednesday, 1, covered dish and bingo; Thursday, 9, cards, noon, lunch, 12:30, bingo, 7 p.m., darts; Friday, 7 p.m., card club.


403 Liberty Ave., Perryopolis; phone 724-736-2250; e-mail,

Daily activities: Monday, 8, walking club, 10, card club, peppi exercises w/Dorothy & Marcella, 6, poker club; Tuesday, 8, walking club, 10, pinochle, 10-11, sing-a-long w/George Stewart; Wednesday, 8, walking club, 9:30, bingo; Thursday, 8, walking club, beauty shop w/Jaynee King, 9, ceramics, 9:30, blood pressures, 10, peppi exercise w/Dorothy and Marcella, 1, GoldenAgers Bowling at Sons of Italy; Friday, 8, walking club, beauty shop w/Jaynee King, 9:30, bingo.


100 Summit Road, Belle Vernon; phone 724-930-8512; e-mail,

Activities: Monday, 10, Monday morning bingo, 10:30 and 12:30, bingo, 1, afternoon euchre for fun and practice, 7, evening pinochle club; Tuesday, 9:30, walk a mile or two, 11-1, Handarbeit crafts, 7, evening Euchre; Wednesday, blood pressure, 10:30-11:45, Bible study, (except 3rd Weds.), 12:30-5, jam session (begins at 2 on the third Weds. only), 11:30, Belle Vernon GoldenAgers; Thursday, 8:30 beauty shop appts., call Roxie at 724-930-8511, 9:30, walk a mile or two, 10, video exercise, 11, memoir writing workshop, 11:30, Belle Vernon GoldenAgers, 12:30, afternoon card club, Friday, Christmas Party, 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., bingo, 1, 500 bid cards; Friday, 8:30, beauty shop appointments call Roxie at 724-930-8511.


The Smithfield Colonial Seniors meet each Thursday at 11 a.m. for friendship, invocations and prayers. Lunch is served at noon.

Activities include shuffleboard, dartball, (four-team league) cards, games, nickel bingo, 50-50 raffle, sit and fit, blood pressure screening and birthday acknowledgements.

Special programs are provided for all holidays.

The last Thursday of each month is our “Fun-Fest” day. Activities include music, dancing, shuffleboard, dartball, games, and cards. Call 724-569-5341 and ask for Dan.

MENU: Monday, chicken humdinger, o’brien scalloped potatoes, vegetable blend, cranberry sauce, whole wheat bread, yogurt w/granola; Tuesday, cheeseburger, tomato basil soup, broccoli salad, in-season fresh fruit; Wednesday, baked ham, whipped sweet potatoes, pineapple and cottage cheese salad, mixed grain bread, applesauce cake; Thursday, macaroni and cheese, chef’s style tomatoes, green beans w/bacon bits, wheat bread, in-season fresh fruit; Friday, baked veal in light gravy, haluski, sugar snap peas, tropical fruit salad, rye bread, pie.


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