PCCE announces formation of new coalition
The Pennsylvania Chamber of Commerce Executives (PCCE), an association of 145 state chambers that collectively represent 120,000 businesses across the state, announced Friday the formation of Coalition 120, which has been organized to ensure that local chambers build ongoing and effective grassroots advocacy to influence state government by clearly communicating local issues and concerns. “Coalition 120’s mission is to educate and bring together the local chamber voice which represents more than 120,000 “community” businesses in the state.” Said Rob Fulton, president of PCCE. “Organizations like the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business & Industry (state chamber) do an excellent job of lobbying for business in Pennsylvania. We believe that Coalition 120 will add that critical grassroots component to support what the state chamber and others are already doing in Harrisburg.”
“By working with the Pennsylvania Chamber and other business groups that work hard to be heard in Harrisburg, we can match up the educational and grassroots efforts of Coalition 120 and the advocacy efforts of the other groups and create a strong, organized voice at the local chamber and local business levels,” Fulton said.
PCCE board members began to form Coalition 120 after recognizing that Pennsylvania continues to struggle to keep educated youth in the state and create more jobs while observing dramatic growth in social services and state government. PCCE’s goal became to develop a grassroots effort that would have a positive impact on the state and promote progress through effectively representing the local chamber viewpoint with Pennsylvania state government, both the executive and the legislative branches.
David Donlin, Coalition 120 chairman, said, “Coalition 120 is an energetic new initiative that will communicate clearly and frequently with elected officials on those issues we have identified as being vital concerns to the local business community. In addition, and of significant importance will be our focus on working to help create a new Pennsylvania that assures business viability and a higher quality of life for all Pennsylvanians.”
Since recruiting efforts began in late spring, Coalition 120 has grown to include more than 60 local chamber members representing nearly 50,000 community businesses across the seven regions of Pennsylvania. “We have received overwhelming interest and support for this initiative and look forward to cultivating a strong grassroots program that will effectively represent our interests in Harrisburg,” Donlin said.
Members of Coalition 120 will receive a variety of services including enhanced communications materials for local chambers; an agenda representing the interests of community businesses designed to move Pennsylvania forward; and a collaborative approach with other chambers, economic development entities and regional and statewide associations to better represent smaller businesses in Harrisburg.
For additional information regarding Coalition 120 or to join, visit online at www.pcce.org/Government%20Affairs.htm
The Pennsylvania Chamber of Commerce Executives (PCCE) is the professional association of Pennsylvania local chamber of commerce managers and others employed in positions complementary to chamber of commerce work. Collectively, there are nearly 120,000 business members of the 145 local chambers that belong to PCCE. The organization’s mission is to support and enhance the chamber profession and increase the vitality of local chambers.