Devil, servants wear various disguises
Scripture reading: Matthew 4:1-11. Text: “The GOD OF THIS AGE HAS BLINDED THE MINDS of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” Also: “For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for SATAN HIMSELF MASQUERADES AS AN ANGEL OF LIGHT. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.” 2 Corinthians 4:4 and 11:13-15. We can hear so often the defiant, ridiculing, and sarcastic question: “And where is that Satan or Devil?” Obviously there is no easy and scientifically approved answer to this question; however, we can come quite close to it these days by saying: IN IRAQ. It is interesting, originally the Garden of Eden could have been located in the same geographical region, and the clue is the two rivers, Tigris and Euphrates. Please see Genesis 2:14. If you read the papers and listen to the news, you are aware of the tragic and lamentable situation in Iraq; there is a ruthless civil war going on. Life is cheap, grudge is growing, mercy is unknown and the bloodshed is endless. In both our scripture reading and text of meditation, the devil or Satan is mentioned, and you can see in how many ways the diabolos (the Greek name for devil) is described.
Without any question, evil is rampant in Iraq and knowing the rule of “CAUSE AND EFFECT” we can search for the cause, or the root, or the devil that started this escalating retaliatory vicious circle. It is not our duty to evaluate the political situation in Iraq, or blame certain leaders or come up with a 20/20 hindsight. Rather, see how the steps can lead to such a deplorable predicament, slowly but surely. The transitions among these steps are almost unnoticeable, but the end product is there.
COMPETITION has been with us since Cain and Abel. Please read Genesis 4:1-12. It is obvious that each of us wishes to be better, stronger, wealthier, as well as more knowledgeable, attractive, popular than others are. Think of the law of biology, survival of the fittest. The fans of the champion team like to say: “We are number one!”
From competition comes the HIDDEN TENSION AND ANIMOSITY. My competitor will eventually become my enemy, and the false assumption is, if I eliminate my enemy, I will live in peace and prosperity. From sibling rivalry to family feud and from discrimination to oppression, the hidden tension can be detected.
INSTIGATION, IRRITATION AND AGITATION can increase the pressure that slowly will build up leading to conspiracy, illegal and unethical underhanded activities. It is assumed that I have the privilege “TO TEACH HIM/HER A LESSON.” The pendulum starts to swing back and forth, swinging out farther and farther in both directions.
Following this line, the BUBBLE EFFECT may occur unexpectedly, that is, the bubble cannot expand anymore and it bursts. To everybody’s surprise what was hidden and contained so far became loose, and the people who were hurt are looking for scapegoats and revenge. The internal structure that has held people together fell into pieces.
In pain, grief, anger and frustration, the logic is slowly replaced by BLIND HATRED and people start to organize in cliques trying to destroy those who are to be blamed for all these. When hatred blinds people’s eyes and logic, it is possible to brainwash fanatics who will eventually be willing to become suicide bombers to become martyrs and residents of heaven. See our text: “. . . has blinded the minds . . .”
The final step is: THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS. It will not matter at the end; innocent and not guilty, child and elderly, if others – whoever they are – do not belong to us and do not support us, should be killed. We are right and they are wrong, and that gives us the privilege to use any method available to destroy them. The vindictive viciousness ostracizes the peace process, the negative overrules the positive, the destructive eliminates the constructive, retaliation precludes reconciliation and hatred stifles love. Is not this typical of the devil’s work?
Apostle Paul had written: “Satan himself MASQUERADES as an angel of light” – the other versions say: “even the Satan DISGUISES himself as an angel of light” – thus we can assume that in the process also the Satan can be hidden. In which direction do things proceed, up or down?
zWe should pray to God for his love and mercy to open people’s eyes, change their minds and turn their direction around.
The Rev. Alexander Jalso is a retired United Presbyterian minister living in Brownsville.