
Frazier School Board awards salary increases

By Joyce Koballa 4 min read

PERRYOPOLIS – The Frazier School Board issued salary increases to support staff, awarded maintenance contracts and hired a secondary health and physical education teacher. The board on Thursday also agreed to the administrative changes of Kathleen Janci from high school to middle school principal and Donald Martin, middle school principal, to high school principal.

Both Janci and Martin said the switch in roles was mutual and were working together for a smooth transition into their new positions.

In conjunction with the 2006-2007 school year, the board granted pay raises to the following retroactive to July 1: technology coordinator, $2,369; administrative assistant, $2,231; supervisor of buildings, grounds and maintenance, $2,200; middle school secretary, $2,047; elementary school secretaries $2,088; special education secretary, $2,006; computer technician, $1,213; payroll/taxes clerk, $887; cafeterias/transportation coordinator, $887; secretary to the business manager, $813; high school secretary, $813 plus $300 longevity and bookkeeper/accounts payable, $443.

The board agreed to hourly raises for the following: part-time clerical and teachers’ aides, 31 cents; cafeteria cashiers, 25 cents; cafeteria monitors, 20 cents and school police officer, 50 cents.

The board also approved an annual increase for Tom Shetterly, business manager of $3,000 a year from 2006-2007 to 2010-2011.

A salary of $25,000 was set for Joseph Pergar of West Newton, who was hired by the board as the secondary health and physical education instructor.

As far as maintenance and repairs to the schools, the board hired Brite Stripe of Ohiopyle for seal kote as the lowest of three bids at $9,983; Mike Wynn of Perryopolis to replace the sidewalk at the gymnasium entrance at $4,400 as the lowest of three bids with the school district to provide the material and Dobil Laboratories of Pittsburgh to install three electronic access doors at the high school/middle school as the lowest of four bids at a cost of $9,990.

According to Shetterly, teachers would receive identification cards that would be individually programmed in order to access the building. Shetterly added the project would save the district money in the sense that teachers would no longer have to be paid to man the doors in the mornings upon the students’ arrival.

Shetterly said all three projects would be paid for out of the district’s Capital reserve fund.

In a separate project, the board approved a state contract to upgrade the districts laptop computers and mobile labs at a cost of $787 per computer for 39 computers amounting to $30,708.

Shetterly said the life of the batteries in the current devices are pretty much diminished and are not able to be utilized in the mobile wireless lab because of a lack of power.

Turning to other business the board heard from Steve Kontaxes, Captain of the Perryopolis Police Department regarding the benefits of a school resource officer in an attempt to work out an agreement between Perryopolis Borough Council and the district.

Council previously funded the full-time position, but was looking to have the district pay for the position’s benefits, which wasn’t budgeted.

“Our responsibility is to insure our residents that this school is protected to the best extent possible,” Kontaxes said.

Shetterly said the district and police department are continuing to work on an agreement to be presented to the board next month.

The board also took action on revising the student handbooks at the elementary level to include a bell schedule for auditing purposes and detention for grades one through five instead of three through five. “We looked at other districts and it’s common practice,” said Shetterly.

At the secondary level, the board omitted a duplicate of bus behavior and added in-school suspension.

Overall, the board implemented a standardized grading scale for grades 1 to 12 in order to correlate grades with percentages which were previously different in kindergarten, first and second grades.


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