Mr. and Mrs. John R. Volpe of Flatwoods announce the engagement of their daughter, Marcie Jo Volpe of Fayetteville, N.C., to Christopher Alan Borba also of Fayetteville. He is the son of Helen S. Borba of Indian Lake, Ohio , and Charles A. Borba of Huntsville, Ohio. The bride-elect is a 1997 graduate of Uniontown Area High School and a 2001 graduate of Carlow College and UPMC Shadyside School of Cardiovascular Perfusion in Pittsburgh receiving a bachelor’s degree in biology perfusion technology. She is currently employed as a certified clinical perfusionist at Cape Fear Valley Medical Center in Fayetteville, N.C.
Her fiance is a 2000 graduate of Indian Lake High School in Indiana Lake, Ohio, and is currently working toward a bachelor of sociology degree.
He served three years in the United States Army as a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division at Ft. Bragg.
He has served in Kosovo and in Afghanistan. He is currently employed as a police officer with the Fayetteville Police Department.
A September wedding is being planned.