Pa. law change quickly moves through channels
HARRISBURG – Why did important changes to township supervisors’ pay appear like a shot out of the darkness? Because the public never knew about it beforehand. The changes to state law on supervisors’ pay never went through a normal public review process, which would have meant committee hearings, testimony that weighed whether it was needed and a chance for the public to voice their opinions to lawmakers.
The initiator of the effort was House Democratic Leader H. William DeWeese (D-Waynesburg) of Greene County. He introduced a bill in late June on the supervisors’ pay. But rather than wait for a lengthy committee process, he saw an opportunity to get it through faster along with the state budget as an amendment to a bill on the calendar that dealt with locally elected auditors’ pay. Lawmakers in both chambers passed that amended bill unanimously July 1.
What was the rush?
DeWeese’s spokesman, Tom Andrews, said the minority leader was trying to get it done after meeting with township supervisors in his district who voiced extra pay as a top concern.
One staffer noted that if it didn’t pass now, DeWeese would have to wait out the three months of summer recess before he could bring it up again.
Andrews said not all laws go through public hearings. Indeed, last year’s pay raise to top government officials is an example.
“That doesn’t happen with every bill, especially when you’re in the minority,” Andrews said.
“So he’s trying to use the amendment process to further the issues of concern to his 50th district.”
But Tim Potts, coordinator for Democracy Rising PA, said what matters is, the general public has the chance to express their opinions.
“These guys get ideas and they’re convinced they are great ideas but with a little bit of discussion they might come up with a better way of providing the same services at a lower cost,” Potts said.
“I think we’re pretty well convinced in Pennsylvania that legislative insight is an oxymoron.”
Alison Hawkes can be reached at 717-705-6330 or