Game Commission posts DMAP information on website
As hunters prepare for the upcoming antlerless deer license application period, those looking for new antlerless deer hunting opportunities are encouraged to review the list of Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) properties now available on the Pennsylvania Game Commission’s website ( Just click on “DMAP” in the center of the homepage and then select the county of interest from the map provided, or choose “Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Properties,” which will link you to DCNR’s website and their listing of state forests enrolled in DMAP. “DMAP is a Game Commission program designed to help landowners manage deer numbers on their properties,” said Carl G. Roe, Game Commission executive director. “Qualified landowners participating in DMAP receive a limited number of coupons – determined by acreage – that they will make available to hunters, who, in turn, may redeem them for a DMAP antlerless deer permit to hunt on the property for which they are issued. Hunters may use them during any established deer hunting season for 2006-07.
“Since some WMUs have seen their antlerless deer license allocation reduced, DMAP may be the only option some hunters will have to secure a way to harvest an antlerless deer in these areas.”
For example, WMU 2G is expected to sell out of its antlerless deer license allocation early. Those residents and nonresidents unable to secure an antlerless license for WMU 2G still may be able to obtain a DMAP antlerless deer permit for one of the many state forest properties that DCNR had enrolled in the program.
Roe noted that, because new properties continue to be entered into the DMAP database, the agency does not have final enrollment figures available at this time. Last year, 659 properties representing 1,707,969 acres were approved for enrollment in DMAP, and a total of 47,366 coupons were approved for distribution by landowners. In 2003, the first year of DMAP, 176 properties representing 695,396 acres were enrolled in DMAP, and a total of 31,784 coupons were approved for distribution by landowners.
Landowners are permitted to give up to two DMAP coupons per property to a licensed hunter, who then must use the coupon to apply for DMAP permits. This will enable hunters to possess up to two DMAP permits for a specific DMAP area. Landowners may not charge or accept any contribution from a hunter for a DMAP coupon
Eligible landowners had to submit an application to enroll in DMAP by July 1. Those landowners who qualify include those owning: public lands; private lands where no fee is charged for hunting; and hunting clubs established prior to Jan. 1, 2000, that are owned in fee title and have provided a club charter and list of current members to the agency.
“Hunters may obtain up to two DMAP coupons per area, and DMAP permits do not impact a hunter’s eligibility to apply for and receive antlerless deer licenses issued for Wildlife Management Units (WMUs),” Roe said. “DMAP permit allotments are not part of the annual general antlerless deer license allocations for WMUs.”
Resident hunters must mail DMAP coupons in a regular envelope, along with a check for $6 made payable to the Pennsylvania Game Commission, to the address listed on the coupon to receive their DMAP antlerless deer permit. Nonresidents must include a check for $26. The permit can be used to harvest one antlerless deer on the specific DMAP area. Maps for the properties are to be provided to hunters by the landowners.
Hunters may not use DMAP permits to harvest an antlered deer.
All public landowners enrolled in DMAP will be posted on the website, as well as those private landowners who have requested to appear on the website. Those private landowners not appearing on the website generally have a limited number of coupons available and already have identified a sufficient number of hunters to receive their allotted coupons.
The website provides an alphabetical listing of DMAP properties for each county in which DMAP properties are located. Each listing will provide the following information: landowner type (either public or private); contact information, including name, address, telephone number and e-mail address (when available); DMAP property number; total number of acres for the property; total number of coupons issued for the property; and total number coupons that remain available for hunters.
Hunters without access to the Internet can send a stamped, self-addressed envelope, along with a letter indicating the county or counties of interest, to the appropriate Game Commission Region Office.
The address for the Southwest Regon Office follows:
Southwest Region Office, 4820 Route 711, Bolivar, PA 15923. Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Cambria, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Somerset, Washington and Westmoreland counties.
Northwest Region Office, P.O. Box 31, Franklin, PA 16323. Butler, Clarion, Crawford, Erie, Forest, Jefferson, Lawrence, Mercer, Venango and Warren counties.
Northcentral Region Office, P.O. Box 5038, Jersey Shore, PA 17740. Cameron, Centre, Clearfield, Clinton, Elk, Lycoming, McKean, Potter, Tioga, and Union counties.
Southcentral Region Office, 8627 William Penn Highway, Huntingdon, PA 16652. Adams, Bedford, Blair, Cumberland, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata, Mifflin, Perry and Snyder counties.
Northeast Region Office, P.O. Box 220, Dallas, PA 18612. Bradford, Carbon, Columbia, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Monroe, Montour, Northumberland, Pike, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Wayne and Wyoming counties.
Southeast Region Office, 448 Snyder Rd., Reading, PA 19605. Berks, Bucks, Chester, Dauphin, Delaware, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Montgomery, Northampton, Philadelphia, Schuylkill and York counties.