Gospel singers add music to fairgrounds
The Fayette County Fair Gospel Sing filled the Fiddlers’ Building with the sounds of heavenly music Sunday, drawing a crowd who found a moment of respite in its powerful message. “I think it makes people feel good,’ said Arlene Bock about gospel music. “If you’re having a bad day and you hear the music, you think my problems are not that bad. The music lifts people.’
Bock and her husband, Ron, are members of Free Spirit, which organized Sunday’s event. She estimated the gospel sing has been part of the fair for approximately 10 years. Free Spirit has been involved with the gospel sing since the beginning.
“We have worship at 9:30 (a.m.) and singing begins at 12:30 (p.m.) and goes close to 10:30 (p.m.),’ said Mrs. Bock. “We have 14 different ministries here.’
The ministries came from throughout the region: Connellsville, Masontown, West Newton, Latrobe and Monroeville as well as a group that came from New Jersey.
“There’s a lot of local talent. Most of the people have been in here since it started,’ said Bock. “You presume if a group is not good, you lose your crowd and we have a good crowd this year.’
People of all ages listened attentively to the concerts as the groups performed.
“Most of us are Southern gospel. We have a pastor who does country. We try to get a little of everything. Everybody doesn’t necessarily like everything, so we try to get a variety,’ said Mrs. Bock. “And we try to get everyone on twice so if you miss someone the first time, you can hear them later.’
Asked what people like about the gospel sing, Mrs. Bock said, “It’s hard to say one thing. The fact the fair does allow us to have music here. In a lot of places, it’s not allowed to mention the Lord’s name. We look forward to this every year.’