Brownsville authority notifies customers to disconnect storm drain lines
BROWNSVILLE – Notices have been sent out to Brownsville Municipal Authority customers who are believed to have storm drain lines tapped into the sanitary sewer system. Solicitor Ernest DeHaas said he has sent out letters to property owners who were notified of the situation last year, telling them that if they have not yet taken corrective action, they have 45 days in which to complete the work. The municipal authority is under orders from the state Department of Environmental Protection to remove storm water from the sewerage system.
Meanwhile, engineer Bill Johnson reported that the storm sewer separation project is continuing. He said an inspection of the system has detected a number of inlets connected to the wrong pipes.
Johnson also reported that the DEP has inspected the old treatment plant that was damaged recently when floodwaters raised the empty holding tanks.
Johnson said the DEP is contacting PENNVEST for approval for the authority to use the remaining money from Phase I of the sewerage project for demolition of the old plant. The original plans had called for the old plant to be used for an emergency overflow containment area.
Johnson said the demolition would need to be put out for bids because it was not part of the original construction project.
In other matters, the authority held its reorganization meeting, with no changes in officers or professional services.
Fred Provance remains chairman, with Bernard Dolobach as the vice chairman and Henry Vulcan as the secretary/treasurer. Bill Jones will continue to serve as the assistant secretary and Ambrose Dedola remains the assistant treasurer.
DeHaas was retained as the solicitor and Fayette Engineering was retained as the consulting engineer. Meetings will continue to be held on the third Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.