Bridging the gap between the individual and the collective conscience
Scripture reading: Romans 7:14-25. Text: “(Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are the law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements for the law are written on their hearts, THEIR CONSCIENCE also bearing witness, and THEIR THOUGHTS now accusing, now even defending them.)” Romans 2:14-15. Last week, these few words: “… holding faith and a good conscience” (1 Timothy 1:19) were the source of the message. Now we wish to continue what we learned by paying attention to those who do not couple CONSCIENCE with FAITH, but CONSCIENCE with THOUGHTS, as our text says. The believers and unbelievers have many things in common and one of them is conscience. If the clean conscience of millions would be in harmony it would work miracles and become mightier than a powerful army. Let us see where the needs are the greatest and how the “faithful” and the “thinkers” can cooperate for their common goals? We should widen our horizon in three steps as faith and knowledge are mutually complemented with clean conscience.
DRUGS. This issue has been making headlines for years, and discussed in details by various forums repeatedly. Even those who are far from it feel its consequences in the form of higher taxes since the war on drugs (law enforcement, legal procedures, rehabilitation) is very costly.
AIDS. (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). Abortion, capital punishment, drunken driving destroy or kill unfortunate lives, and many of us wish to stop these activities saying that life is God’s gift. However, AIDS first tortures the body and mind and then ushers in an agonizing death. Is it only the government’s duty to fights AIDS?
UNFAITHFULNESS. Modern and liberated people consider faithfulness and honesty “religious tradition” the source of limitation, restriction and inhibition especially for those who wish to get ahead and have a “full and enjoyable life”. The many tragedies we experience rekindle our conscience to take very seriously faithfulness, honesty, integrity and chastity.
POLLUTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT. Ecology deals with the mutual effect between people and their environment. Our artificial waste may destroy the ozone layer, pollute our rivers and oceans, and create dangerously high level of radiation. What about global warming? Industrial nations are the first culprits in polluting.
FINANCIAL POLICY. The national debt in certain countries has reached that proportion that the whole economy has slowed down and the runaway inflation or over taxation choke business and stifle enterprise. Does not the high price of gasoline have a ripple effect? Do we spend the income of the next generation?
SOCIAL INJUSTICE. Discrimination, exploitation, segregation, unemployment will disappear much sooner if not legislation but sensitive conscience of millions will confront and cope with the problems of the society.
POPULATION EXPLOSION. It is scary how fast the number of people living on earth is growing. When more people wish to live in a geographical region than the land can sustain, soon serious problems will begin. Unfortunately those have more children who can afford a big family the least. What does our conscience say about the undocumented immigrants? (Should we care how others exist as long as we live well?)
FAMINE. Not only overpopulation but also natural disasters such as drought, flood, hail, hurricane, and extreme weather can destroy crops and cause millions to starve. In the next decades food, water, and energy will be the precious commodities.
TERRORISM. Modern technology made guns, bombs, and explosives cheap and easily available. Innocent people become victims in terrorist attacks, and what is the best prevention against such crimes? Are not easy traveling, communication and covert agitation the hotbed for planting I.E.D. that is Improvised Explosive Device?
I am sure we will agree that our common goal is, everybody should have a happier, better, and purer life. The first step is to say it with the Psalmist: “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23-24.
The Rev. Alexander Jalso is a retired United Presbyterian minister living in Brownsville.