Mardi Gras set for Sunday at St. Procopius
St. Procopius Church, New Salem, will hold its Mardi Gras 2008 celebration on Sunday from noon to 4 p.m. at the social hall. Homemade ethnic foods will be available including holupki, haluski, pieroghi, kolbassi and kraut, breaded chicken, chicken noodle soup, beef stew, potato salad, spaghetti, gnocchi, stuffed shells, lasagna, pork sandwiches, hamburgers, hot dogs, fries, funnel cakes, apple dumplings and more. A bake sale will also be held. Youth activities, games and raffles for the whole family will be featured. Planning the event are, seated, (from left) Gloria Magerko, Rose Richardson, Mae Traversari; standing, Lisa Conners, Vince Palaisa, Dolores Sofranko and Mimi Bella.